At the Restaurant Conversation | Restaurant English & Vocabulary

At the Restaurant Conversation in English

Bringing you the video about the conversation at the restaurant together with the terminology that is connected to the restaurant context. This is an attempt to offer a conversation that is mostly casual but also somewhat formal and that typically takes place in a restaurant. It is essential to expand your vocabulary in order to be able to talk coherently in any given circumstance. Therefore, you should start speaking English immediately since languages are so extensive, and although they might appear difficult at times, frequent speaking practice will help you polish it further.

All the dialogues used in At the Restaurant Conversation video

Receptionist: Good evening, Sir. Welcome to Food House. What can I do for you?
Justin: Can you please arrange a table for two?
Receptionist: (calls a waitress) Please guide them to table number 16.
Waitress: Sure thing. Sir, follow me please.
Receptionist: Enjoy your meal, sir.
Justin: Thank you.

(A minute later)

at the restaurant conversationat the restaurant conversationat the restaurant conversation

Waitress: Good evening Sir, I’m Veronica, I will be your waitress for this evening. What would you like to order?
Justin: Thanks Veronica. Let me ask my brother first.
Waitress: Take your time. I am with you.
Justin: What would you like to have kiddo?
Jason: Hhmm, I am craving for some fresh fruit juice.
Justin: Which fruit would that be from?
Jason: Uumm, I would love to go with pineapple juice.
Justin: Okay. Sorry to keep you waiting Veronica.
Waitress: No issues, sir. It’s my job.
Justin: Would you please get a glass of lime juice for me and a pineapple juice for my brother?
Waitress: Sure sir, would you mind if I top it up with crushed ice and fresh mint leaves?
Justin: Oh no. Please don’t do that. We love it without ice and mint.
Jason: Wait a minute. I would enjoy having juice with some crushed ice but no mint at all.
Waitress: Very well then. I‘ll be right back with it. Until then, please savor our live rock band.
Jason: Hhhmm, we love music.

(A minute later)

Waitress: Here you go. A glass of plain lime juice and a glassful of pineapple juice with some crushed ice and no mint at all. Hope you relish it.
Justin: Thank you very much.
Waitress: Would you like to order something to eat too?
Jason: Yes sure, a bit later.
Waitress: No problem, you will see me around.
Justin: I appreciate that.
Jason: Wow, this is very yummy.
Justin: Indeed! Now let’s order something to eat.
Jason: You can order whatever you like. I don’t mind.
Justin: Good to hear that.

at the restaurantat the restaurantat the restaurant

Waitress: Can I take your order now or do you need few more minutes?
Justin: I’m sure we are ready to order now.
Waitress: Great, I’m listening.

Justin: How about cheesy meatloaf with bacon wrapped asparagus?
Waitress: Good choice, will that be all?
Jason: I wish to order something too.
Justin: Sure kiddo, please go ahead.
Jason: I would love to have some baked sweet potato fries.
Waitress: Would you like to drink something with your meal?
Justin: Diet coke should be fine for us.
Waitress: Very well. Is that all?
Justin: That’s all.
Waitress: Okay, your dinner will be served shortly.

(Few minutes later)

Waitress: Here is your dinner sir. Please enjoy your meal.
Jason: Hhhmm, its smelling really good.
Justin: Indeed, and it tastes authentic.

(After dinner)

Waitress: I hope you enjoyed the dinner Sir.
Justin: Yes, it was succulent. I never tasted so classy meatloaf.
Waitress: Thank you so much Sir, I’m glad you enjoyed it. Would you like to have something in dessert?
Jason: No thanks. We are done.
Justin: Can we have the check please?
Waitress: Sure.