at the request of – English translation – Linguee

. At the request of the receiving State Party, a requested State Party shall, without undue or unreasonable


delay, verify whether


a person who has been the object of conduct set forth in article 6 of this Protocol is its national or has the right of permanent residence in its territory.

receiving State Party, a requested State Party shall, without undue or unreasonable

. At the request of the receiving State Party, a requested State Party shall, without undue or unreasonable


delay, verify whether


a person who has been the object of conduct set forth in article 6 of this Protocol is its national or has the right of permanent residence in its territory.

ing State Party, a requested State Party shall, withnable

At the request of another State


Party, a State Party shall, in accordance with its domestic law, verify within a reasonable


time the legitimacy and validity of travel or identity documents issued or purported to have been issued in its name and suspected of being used for trafficking in persons.

her State

At the request of another State


Party, a State Party shall, in accordance with its domestic law, verify within a reasonable


time the legitimacy and validity of travel or identity documents issued or purported to have been issued in its name and suspected of being used for trafficking in persons.

ther State

The promotion of a sports ethic: Beyond research on doping and the health of sportspersons, the agency should include an ethics department which


is pluralist, multidisciplinary and independent, and which can be consulted,


when necessary, at the request of a state.

when necessate.

The promotion of a sports ethic: Beyond research on doping and the health of sportspersons, the agency should include an ethics department which


is pluralist, multidisciplinary and independent, and which can be consulted,


when necessary, at the request of a state.

when necete.

2. If the dispute has not been settled by this


means, it shall, at the request of one or other


of the parties to the dispute, be referred to arbitration.

means, it shor other

If the dispute has not been settled by this means, it


shall, at the request of one or other of the parties


to the dispute, be referred to arbitration.

shall, at the requestf the parties

3. At the request of a receiving State Party, a requested State Party shall, without undue or unreasonable


delay, verify whether


a person who is a victim of trafficking in persons is its national or had the right of permanent residence in its territory at the time of entry into the territory of the receiving State Party.

ceiving State Party, a requested State Party shall, without undue or unreasonable

At the request of a receiving State Party, a requested State Party shall, without undue or unreasonable delay,


verify whether a person


who is a victim of trafficking in persons is its national or had the right of permanent residence in its territory at the time of entry into the territory of the receiving State Party.

iving State Party, a requested State Party shall, witle delay,

4. In order to facilitate the return of a victim of trafficking in persons who is without proper documentation, the State Party of which that person is a national or in which he or she had the right of permanent residence at the time of entry into the territory


of the receiving State


Party shall agree to issue, at the request of the receiving State Party,


such travel documents or


other authorisation as may be necessary to enable the person to travel to and re-enter its territory.

Party shall agree to isreceiving State Party,

In order to facilitate the return of a victim of trafficking in persons who is without proper documentation, the State Party of which that person is a national or in which he or she had the right of permanent residence at the time of entry into the territory of the receiving State Party shall


agree to issue, at the


request of the receiving State Party, such travel documents or other authorisation


as may be necessary


to enable the person to travel to and re-enter its territory.

request of the receiving State Party, such travel docuauthorisation

1. The Parties may collaborate in accordance with their respective competences and tasks either at the request of OLAF or on the initiative of Eurojust.

1. The Parties may collaborate in accordance with their respective competences and tasks eior on the initiative of Eurojust.

1. The Parties may collaborate in accordance with their respective competences and tasks either at the request of OLAF or on the initiative of Eurojust.

1. The Parties may collaborate in accordance with their respective competences and tasks either at the request of OLAn the initiative of Eurojust.

pply at the request of the manufacturer for the approval of a vehicle type with regard to the protection of the occupants of the front outboard seats in the event of a frontal collision.

1.2. It shall amanufacturer for the approval of a vehicle type with regard to the protection of the occupants of the front outboard seats in the event of a frontal collision.

ply at the request of the manufacturer for the approval of a vehicle type with regard to the protection of the occupants of the front outboard seats in the event of a frontal collision.

1.2. It shall apquest of the manufacturer for the approval of a vehicle type with regard to the protection of the occupants of the front outboard seats in the event of a frontal collision.

5.1. Where a vehicle manufacturer applies for approval of a vehicle fitted with a mechanical coupling device or component or authorises the use of a vehicle for towing any form of trailer, then, at the request of a bona fide applicant for possible type approval for a mechanical coupling device or component, or of the type approval authority or technical service of a Contracting Party, the vehicle manufacturer shall readily make available to that inquirer or authority or technical service, such information as required in paragraph 5.3. below, to enable a manufacturer of a coupling device or component to properly design and manufacture a mechanical coupling device or component for that vehicle.

5.1. Where a vehicle manufacturer applies for approval of a vehicle fitted with a mechanical coupling device or component or authorises the use of a vehicle for towing any form of trailer, tna fide applicant for possible type approval for a mechanical coupling device or component, or of the type approval authority or technical service of a Contracting Party, the vehicle manufacturer shall readily make available to that inquirer or authority or technical service, such information as required in paragraph 5.3. below, to enable a manufacturer of a coupling device or component to properly design and manufacture a mechanical coupling device or component for that vehicle.

5.1. Where a vehicle manufacturer applies for approval of a vehicle fitted with a mechanical coupling device or component or authorises the use of a vehicle for towing any form of trailer, then, at the request of a bona fide applicant for possible type approval for a mechanical coupling device or component, or of the type approval authority or technical service of a Contracting Party, the vehicle manufacturer shall readily make available to that inquirer or authority or technical service, such information as required in paragraph 5.3. below, to enable a manufacturer of a coupling device or component to properly design and manufacture a mechanical coupling device or component for that vehicle.

5.1. Where a vehicle manufacturer applies for approval of a vehicle fitted with a mechanical coupling device or component or authorises the use of a vehicle for towing any form of trailer, then, at the requesbona fide applicant for possible type approval for a mechanical coupling device or component, or of the type approval authority or technical service of a Contracting Party, the vehicle manufacturer shall readily make available to that inquirer or authority or technical service, such information as required in paragraph 5.3. below, to enable a manufacturer of a coupling device or component to properly design and manufacture a mechanical coupling device or component for that vehicle.

Voorts is het zinvol bepalingen vast te stellen met betrekking tot de uitwisseling van alle aanvullende informatie via de voor dat doel aangewezen


autoriteiten in de lidstaten


(Supplementary Information Request at the National Entry: verzoek om


aanvullende informatie bij


binnenkomst op het nationaal grondgebied), zodat die autoriteiten een gemeenschappelijke rechtsgrondslag binnen het bestek van de Schengenuitvoeringsovereenkomst van 1990 wordt geboden en voorschriften kunnen worden vastgesteld inzake de verwijdering van door deze autoriteiten bewaarde gegevens.

(Supplementary Informaonal Entry: verzoek om

Moreover, it is useful to enact


provisions with respect to the


exchange of all supplementary information through the authorities


designated for that purpose


in all Member States (Supplementary Information Request at National Entry), giving these authorities a common legal E basis within the provisions of the 1990 Schengen Convention and setting out rules on deletion of data kept by these authorities.

exchange of all supplementary information throrities

Door middel van deze technisch


en operationeel ondersteunende structuur zal ieder „Supplementary Information Request at the National Entry” (Sirene) worden doorgeleid.

en operationeel ondersteunende structuur zal ieder „Supplementary Informaonal Entry” (Sirene) worden doorgeleid.

s is the technical operational service that will be used for transmitting all supplementary information requests at the national entries.

Thinical operational service that will be used for transmitting all supplementary information reqentries.

tion Request at the National Entries).

Deze werd „Sirene” genoemd, een acroniem van de in de Engelse taal in die studie gegeven definitie (Supplementary Informaonal Entries).

at the National Entries.

This structure has been given the name ‘Sirene’, which is an acronym of the definition of the structure in English: Supplementary Information REquesttional Entries.

eipt of the reservation request the ECB shall check whether the amount of liquidity on the participant’s PM account is sufficient for the reservation.

4. After recrvashall check whether the amount of liquidity on the participant’s PM account is sufficient for the reservation.

4. After receipt of the reservation request the ECB shall check whether the amount of liquidity on the participant’s PM account is sufficient for the reservation.

Wij raden u daarom aan om uw Amerikaanse opties altijd voor de expiratie te sluiten, als uw


optie in-themoney of at-themoney is.

optie in-themy is.

We therefore recommend that you always close your US options before the expiration date if your


option is in-the-money or at-the-money.

option is

De structuur voor de uitwisseling van



aanvullende informatie heeft de benaming „Sirene” gekregen, een acroniem van de definitie van de structuur in het Engels: Supplementary Information REquest at the National Entries (verzoek om aanvullende informatie bij het nationale deel).

aanvullende informatie heeft de benaming „Sirene” gekregen, een acroniem van de definitie van de structuur in het Engels: Supplementary Informaonal Entries (verzoek om aanvullende informatie bij het nationale deel).

This structure built to deal with the exchange of supplementary information has been given the name ‘SIRENE’, which is an acronym of the definition of the structure in English: Supplementary Information REquest at the National Entries.

at-themoney: als de uitoefenprijs gelijk is aan die van de onderliggende waarde of die zeer sterk



y: als de uitoefenprijs gelijk is aan die van de onderliggende wazeer sterk

At the money: if the strike price is equal to the price of the underlying asset or very close to it.

ney: if the strike price is equal to the price of the underto it.



voorbereidingen en opleidingen voor het personeel met het oog op de oprichting van het Sirenebureau (Supplementary Information Request at the National Entry – verzoek om aanvullende informatie bij het nationale deel) en het nationaal bureau voor het Schengeninformatiesysteem


(SIS) zijn goed gevorderd.

voorbereidingen en opleidingen voor het personeel met het oog op de oprichting van het Sirenebureau (Supplementary Informaonal Entry – verzoek om aanvullende informatie bij het nationale deel) en het nationaal bureau voor het Schengeninformatiesysteem

Technical preparations and staff training with a view to the establishment of the Supplementary Information Request at the National Entry (S.I.Re.N.E) Office and of the National Office for the Schengen Information System (S.I.S.) have advanced.

De verbonden verplichting wordt



gewaardeerd op i) de som van de uitoefenprijs van de calloptie en de reële waarde van de putoptie verminderd met de tijdswaarde van de calloptie, indien de calloptie „in the money” of at the money” is, of ii) de som van de reële waarde van het actief en de reële waarde van de putoptie verminderd met de tijdswaarde van de calloptie, indien de calloptie „out


of the money” is.

gewaardeerd op i) de som van de uitoefenprijs van de calloptie en de reële waarde van de putoptie verminderd met de tijdswaarde van de calloptie, indien de calloptie „y” is, of ii) de som van de reële waarde van het actief en de reële waarde van de putoptie verminderd met de tijdswaarde van de calloptie, indien de calloptie „out

, or (ii) the sum of the fair value of the asset and the fair value of the put option less the time value of the call option if the call option is out of the money.

The associated liability is measured at (i) the sum of the call exercise price and fair value of the put option less the time value of the call option, if the call option is in or at the moneyii) the sum of the fair value of the asset and the fair value of the put option less the time value of the call option if the call option is out of the money.

For share options exercised during 2005 the weighted average share price at the date of exercise was 33.39 euro.

For share options exercised during 2005 the weighted average share pcise was 33.39 euro.

For share options exercised during 2005 the weighted average share price at the date of exercise was 33.39 euro.

For share options exercised during 2005 the weighted average share price at the date of exercise was 33.39 euro.

Ons tweede punt is dat de Europese Commissie met het


verslag van voormalig


commissaris Mario Monti, getiteld ‘Putting citizens at the heart of the Union’, een interessante en waardevolle bijdrage


heeft geleverd aan


de manier waarop het ons kan lukken om de grote positieve impulsen van de interne markt te combineren met sociale elementen van de gemeenschappelijke consumentenmarkt.

commissaris Mario Monti, getiteld ‘Putting citin’, een interessante en waardevolle bijdrage

Our second point is that with the report


by former commissioner,


Mario Monti, entitled ‘Putting citizens at the heart of the Union’, the European Commission made an interesting


and valuable contribution


to how we can succeed in combining the great positive impulses of the internal market with social elements of the common consumer market.

Mario Mtting citizens at the heart of the Union’, the European Commisnteresting

In the event of a dispute between two Parties, one of which is a Member State of the European Community, the latter itself being a Party, the other Party shall address the request for arbitration both to the Member State and to the Community, which jointly shall notify it, within three months of receipt of the request, whether the Member State or the Community, or the Member State and the Community jointly, shall be party to the dispute.

In the event of a dispute between two Parties, one of which is a Member State of the European Community, the latter itself being a Party, the other Party shall address the request for arbitration both to the Member State and to the Community, which jointly shall notify it, within three months of recther the Member State or the Community, or the Member State and the Community jointly, shall be party to the dispute.

In the event of a dispute between two Parties, one of which is a Member State of the European Community, the latter itself being a Party, the other Party shall address the request for arbitration both to the Member State and to the Community, which jointly shall notify it, within three months of receipt of the request, whether the Member State or the Community, or the Member State and the Community jointly, shall be party to the dispute.

In the event of a dispute between two Parties, one of which is a Member State of the European Community, the latter itself being a Party, the other Party shall address the request for arbitration both to the Member State and to the Community, which jointly shall notify it, within three months of receipt of the request, whether the Member State or the Communityhe Member State and the Community jointly, shall be party to the dispute.

This way you can make sure that the placement is really sustainable and all the acquired skills and knowledge do not disappear and resources will not go to waste at the end of the placement.

This way you can make sure that the placement is really sustainable and all the acquired skills and knowledge do not disappear and resources will not go to wement.

This way you can make sure that the placement is really sustainable and all the acquired skills and knowledge do not disappear and resources will not go to waste at the end of the placement.

This way you can make sure that the placement is really sustainable and all the acquired skills and knowledge do not disappear and resources will not go to waste alacement.

tone at the top”) of fraude over het algemeen ongeacht de omvang leiden tot nader onderzoek.

Zo zullen bijvoorbeeld signalen die duiden op het doorbreken van de interne beheersingsmaatregelen door de leiding (“de over het algemeen ongeacht de omvang leiden tot nader onderzoek.

) or fraud will generally result in further investigation, regardless of the extent of the irregularities.

For instance, signs indicating a breach of internal control measures by management (“tone at the top”raud will generally result in further investigation, regardless of the extent of the irregularities.

Naast andere


veranderingen acht de AIV voor een duurzame identificatie met het EP een verandering in de ‘tone at the top’ dus noodzakelijk.

veranderingen acht de AIV voor een duurzame identificatie met het EP een verandering in de ‘dus noodzakelijk.

The AIV thinks a different tone at the top is one of the changes necessary for lasting identification with the EP.

Nexpak beroept zich hierbij op een forumkeuze in de algemene leveringsvoorwaarden van Nexpak B.V. Nexpak B.V. heeft haar voorwaarden niet ter hand gesteld of apart toegezonden voor het sluiten van de overeenkomst, maar verwijst wel op al haar orderbevestigingen en facturen naar de


voorwaarden: “For all our supplies the


Standard Conditions of Sale which have been filed at the Chamber of Commerce in Eindhoven are applicable.

Standard Conditions of Sale which have been ferce in Eindhoven are applicable.

Nexpak relied in this respect on a choice of forum clause in the general terms of delivery of Nexpak B.V. Nexpak B.V. has not handed over its terms and conditions, nor sent them separately before the contract was concluded. Instead, it refers to the conditions in all its order


confirmations and invoices:


“For all our supplies the Standard Conditions of Sale which have been filed at the Chamber of Commerce


in Eindhoven are applicable.

“For all our supplietandard Conditions of Sale which have been fiamber of Commerce

sent at the recital of the Belgian pianist Peter Vanhove, had not only


the privilege of enjoying his cultivated


and refined playing but also of getting to know some Flemish composers of whom we know very little, as well as Flemish music of the romantic, post romantic and impressionist era.

Those who were preian pianist Peter Vanhove, had not only

Those who


were present at the recital of the Belgian pianist Peter Vanhove, had not only the privilege


of enjoying his cultivated


and refined playing, but also of getting to know some Flemish composers of whom we know very little, as well as Flemish music of the Romantic, Post-Romantic and impressionist era.

were preseital oelgian pianist Peter Vanhove, had not onlrivilege

The 7th Framework Programme is characterised both by continuity with the current FP6 (e.g. in the context of the collaborative research) and the introduction of novel elements at the level of content and instruments to address the arising needs at EU level (e.g. support to new infrastructures, co-ordination of national research programmes on a large scale, Joint Technology Initiatives, European Research Council).

The 7th Framework Programme is characterised both by continuity with the current FP6 (e.g. in the concollaborative research) and the introducl element and instruments to address the arising needs at EU level (e.g. support to new infrastructures, co-ordination of national research programmes on a large scale, Joint Technology Initiatives, European Research Council).

The 7th Framework Programme is characterised both by continuity with the current FP6 (e.g. in the context of the collaborative research) and the introduction of novel elements at the level of content and instruments to address the arising needs at EU level (e.g. support to new infrastructures, co-ordination of national research programmes on a large scale, Joint Technology Initiatives, European Research Council).

The 7th Framework Programme is characterised both by continuity with the current FP6 (e.g. in tthe collaborative research) and the introduction of novel elements at the level of content and instruments to address the arising needs at EU level (e.g. support to new infrastructures, co-ordination of national research programmes on a large scale, Joint Technology Initiatives, European Research Council).

city at the forefront of a globalizing modernity’ en ook al zou het waar zijn dat Lagos gezien kan worden als een voorafschaduwing van de uiteindelijke terminale fasen van steden als Londen, Los Angeles en Chicago, dan betekend dat nog niet dat Lagos een ideaalmodel voor de toekomstige Europese stad zou zijn en dat er dus geen weerstand geboden zou



moeten worden tegen deze ontwikkeling.

Ook als noemt de tekst Lagos ‘aobalizing modernity’ en ook al zou het waar zijn dat Lagos gezien kan worden als een voorafschaduwing van de uiteindelijke terminale fasen van steden als Londen, Los Angeles en Chicago, dan betekend dat nog niet dat Lagos een ideaalmodel voor de toekomstige Europese stad zou zijn en dat er dus geen weerstand geboden zou

t of a globalizing modernity’, and even if it were true that Lagos could be seen as a foreshadow of the terminal phase of cities like London, Los Angeles and Chicago, that in no way implies that Lagos is an ideal model for the future European city or that no resistance should be offered to fend off this development.

Even though the text refers to Lagos as ‘a city at the forefronglobalizing modernity’, and even if it were true that Lagos could be seen as a foreshadow of the terminal phase of cities like London, Los Angeles and Chicago, that in no way implies that Lagos is an ideal model for the future European city or that no resistance should be offered to fend off this development.