at the expense of somebody/something | meaning of at the expense of somebody/something in Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English | LDOCE
at the expense of somebody/something
He did not want to
at the expense of
his family
He did not want to devote more time to his businesshis family
at the expense of
The client may win in court, but destroying the business relationship , he says.
These are not just the capital
at the expense of
These are not just the shifting form of the economy and the rise of financial productive capital.
The two companies said their
at the expense of
2,000 jobs.
The two companies said their marriage will come2,000 jobs.
You will now
at the expense of
You will now release me: the resulting implication being that I bought my freedom his.
So there is little audience gain
at the expense of
long-term credibility.
So there is little chance that the 1993 programme will go for short-term
All is
at the expense of
All is filtered through Hoving’s glass , which magnifies himselfhis colleagues
The cars were produced quickly,
at the expense of
The cars were produced quickly,
Similarly, countries may make use of
at the expense of
other countries.
Similarly, countries may make use of automation to improve their international competitiveness , sometimesother countries.
Such values work
at the expense of
a positive
Such values work evaluation of females