Are School Uniforms Necessary – 1039 Words | Cram
Are school uniforms necessary? Researchers have shown that they are necessary because they build discipline on students. Other investigators have announced that uniforms help students focus more in school and get less distracted as well. Although this may be true, specific examiners report that uniforms don’t certainly build better conduct in students. A fifteen year old student named Chloe Spencer claims in an article called, “What’s the point of school uniform ?”, that wearing a uniform decreases the chances of distraction and students’ academic performances increase (Spencer, 1). Spencer’s claim is turned over by Marcus Paine’s argument when he mentions in an article called “Reasons Why Students Should not wear Uniforms ”, “However, wearing
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By this she is expressing that wearing a uniform makes it easier in the morning for students to wake up and not worry about what they will be wearing that day. In spite of, Robin Lacey’s case, for example, she was asked to avoid doing things that produced water waste after a flooding that had occurred. She argues uniforms should not be required when she mentions “I chose to wash laundry over the weekend, so that they would have clean uniforms, despite the fact that they had closets full of clean clothes with stripes, unacceptable colors or no collars. In the future, I think that the officials should contact the School Board and ask that the uniform policy be suspended during times of severe water conservation” (Lacey, 1). If you are required to wear uniforms people will have to purchase them, make sure they have enough uniforms for the week, and also make sure they are clean. Lacey’s case proves that other people might have similar struggles when keeping up with uniforms. There’s more peer pressure created in situations like Lacey’s due to uniforms not normal clothing . If students weren’t required to wear a uniform and they could wear normal clothing instead, then it would be much more uncomplicated. They could simply wake up in the morning without worrying having enough clothes in
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A uniform should not create pride on a student; the student should have pride with or without a uniform. Evan demonstrates an example of students self-confidence in an article called “I believe students should not have to wear uniforms” when she acknowledges “Teachers are always saying how important it is to just be ourselves and not worry about what others might think . Having a uniform takes that away from us and this may lead students to try finding other ways to be different” (Evan, 1). Evan expresses that society now and days tend to create a picture out of a uniform and it should not be that way because uniforms shouldn’t create an identity for a student, all students have different identities. Evan also makes another good point against Spencer’s argument for example “Being different is a huge part of being in school and I think we should be able to have the privilege of wearing what we want. It can also give us more confidence” (Evan, 1). Evan is demonstrating that students should be capable of having or building an identity for themselves, but a uniform takes away those abilities. Schools should pay more attention to student’s capabilities instead of what they are wearing because that does not describe a student’s discipline professionalism or a behavior. There’s tons of other ways how students show