“American Horror Stories” Necro (TV Episode 2022) – IMDb

“Necro” is one of the best episodes in the “American Horror Story” universe in a very long time, possibly the best since AHS Season 2 (Asylum). Beginning with Season 3 (“Coven”) and through the other seasons and the previous “American Horror Stories” episodes, almost everything can be summarized as “They’re witches — aren’t they FABULOUS?” or “She’s a vampire — isn’t she FABULOUS?” or “She’s a serial killer — isn’t she FABULOUS?”

“Necro” brings us back to the glory days. Madison Iseman plays Sam, a young mortician who truly cares about her work. She lives with her perfect boyfriend Jesse and just wants to live her best life. But she’s afraid that she’s not normal and an encounter at work threatens to send her down a spiral…

“Necro” is fantastic. It’s creepy and weird and disturbing and you can’t take your eyes off it. Madison Iseman knocks it out of the park, she makes you feel for Sam and root for her every step of the way. And the episode nails the ending, which is horrifying and beautiful at the same time.

Honestly, I didn’t hink Ryan Murphy and team had something like this in them anymore. Even if you’re given up on this show, this one is worth the time.