American Girl blasts fake ad showing ‘Karen’ doll with gun
The manufacturer of the popular American Girl dolls says it is “disgusted” by an online parody that depicted one of its toys as a gun-toting white doll named Karen who refuses to wear a face mask while shopping during the coronavirus pandemic.
American Girl, which makes 18-inch dolls portraying female youngsters, responded to the fake image last week after it was posted to Facebook and went viral on other platforms.
“I saw a post of an American Girl doll, Karen, who refuses to wear a mask and carried a gun as disgusting,” a Twitter user wrote the Wisconsin-based company. “Is this what we want to teach our children?”
Hours later, company reps responded to the woman, saying they had nothing to do with the posting and that they were also offended by what they saw.
“Donna, we were equally disgusted with this post,” the company tweeted Wednesday. “Please be assured we are taking the appropriate steps to ensure this is removed.”
A Facebook user who goes by the name Adam The Creator posted the offending image of the bogus doll June 29.
“Meet Karen, 2020 Girl of the Year,” the mock-up read, referring to the derogatory social-media slang term for entitled white women. “She’s an independent thinker who refuses to wear a mask in public places!”
The image generated more than 1,400 comments and was shared more than 10,000 times.
The company, which first released its line of dolls in 1986, has been owned by Mattel since 1998, according to its website.