aim | meaning of aim in Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English | LDOCE
the main/primary/principal aim
The country’s main aim was to slow inflation.
the ultimate/eventual/long-term aim
that you hope to achieve in the end
The ultimate aim is to replace gasoline with non-polluting energy sources.
the immediate/initial/short-term aim
that you hope to achieve quickly
The immediate aim is to develop the travel business.
the overall/general/broad aim
that concerns the main aim rather than all the details
The overall aim of the project is to encourage young people to stay in higher education.
Guided by the general aim of the project, we aimed to reach a number of key objectives.
a specific aim
an exact aim
What are the specific aims of the course?
the underlying aim
a basic aim, that people sometimes do not notice
The games all have an underlying aim: survival.
a political aim
We utterly condemn any acts of violence in pursuit of political aims.
a strategic aim
that is part of a military, political, or business plan
The broader strategic aims were to safeguard the Dutch East Indies against attack.
an educational aim
the educational aims of the school
somebody’s declared/stated aim
an aim that someone has stated clearly
The Department’s declared aim is targeting benefits where they are most needed.
a common aim
an aim that people, countries etc share
We know the value of working closely together to pursue our common aims.
have an aim
His trip to Milan, his third in two weeks, had a precise aim.
achieve/fulfil your aim
The Internet bank achieved its aim of attracting 50,000 customers last year.
Once she had decided to go into publishing, she set out to fulfil her aim.
pursue your aims
try to achieve them over a long period of time
We worked closely together to pursue our common aims.
further your aims
help them to progress or be successful
The group is prepared to use violence to further its political aims.
set out the aims of something
Is there a set of guidelines setting out the aims of study?
a set of aims
The organization has a set of aims which are listed on its website.
aims and objectives
the things you hope to achieve
These aims and objectives are set out in chapters two and three.