Young at heart Definition & Meaning |

What does young at heart mean?

Young at heart is a phrase that describes a person as having traits associated with young people, such as hopefulness, optimism, energy, or enthusiasm, as in Edgar is ninety years old but is young at heart. 

Young at heart can also be used as a noun phrase, as in Disneyland is a place that brings joy to both the young and the young at heart. When used this way, the word the is often placed before young at heart and the phrase is treated as a plural noun.

Generally, young at heart is most often used to refer to people who are considered to be older than a young adult. It may be used to refer to older teenagers or young adults by comparing them to young children, but this usage is less common.

Example: Even in his late forties, Bob is still young at heart and loves playing with the train sets he enjoyed as a boy.