World at your feet achievement in Ori and the Blind Forest




Until somebody posts a real solution video some words of advice: This achievement is glitched. It can happen that the progress tracker will stop progressing when you unlock another map stone. Not sure what you can do about that. Make sure to check the progress tracker of this achievement before and after you restore a map stone. If it does not progress, leave the game and try again. Perhaps this might work – not sure about this as my achievement is stuck at 5/8 although I found all stones.

For the achievement itself: You will find map stones on your journey. You need to complete them by finding golden map stone parts. You only have to find one part per stone. Most of them are pretty easy hidden, most of them quite near the respective stones.

Only the final map stone part is tricky to find: In the fire dungeon (the final area of the game) the final map stone is in the central area in a hidden room on one of the left walls (you can find it pretty early in this level, no need to enter any room).

The stone part is found in the top right room of the level. In this room you will come across two spiky platforms which will crush down once you get below them. The map stone part is in a hidden room just where the second spiky platform will crush down.