Word Family Activities (-at Words)


Mini-Book (-at)


This cute little book contains the words: hat, mat, and cat. Cut, color, and assemble.

Kindergarten and 1st Grade

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Members can add this to their file cabinetCut and Glue (-at)

Cut out the words along the dotted lines and paste them to the boxes below the pictures matching each word.

Kindergarten and 1st Grade

View PDFCommon CorePreview FileMembers can add this to their file cabinetMake Sentences: Word Cards (-at)

Cut out the words and make sentences. Make sure to use at least one “at” word in each sentence. Use the lines provided to practice writing your sentences.

Kindergarten to 2nd Grade

View PDFCommon CorePreview FileMembers can add this to their file cabinetMissing Letters (-at)

Write in the missing letters for each of the words. Use the pictures as hints and then rewrite the word below it.

Kindergarten and 1st Grade

View PDFCommon CorePreview FileMembers can add this to their file cabinetMissing Initial Sounds (-at)

Students fill in the missing initial sound for each word and then use the lines below to rewrite the word again.

Kindergarten and 1st Grade

View PDFCommon CorePreview FileMembers can add this to their file cabinetWord Web (-at)

This graphic organizer includes some pictures as hints to a few of the -at words. Then there are a few more spaces for any other -at words you can think up.

Kindergarten and 1st Grade

View PDFCommon CorePreview FileMembers can add this to their file cabinetTrace and Write (-at)

Follow along the dotted lines with pencil to trace each -at word. Then write the word again on the lines to the right.

1st Grade

View PDFCommon CorePreview FileMembers can add this to their file cabinetBrainstorm and Write (-at)

This worksheet has space for up to eight words to write as many words ending with -at as you can think of.

1st Grade

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