Good for All
Thriving forests are not just good for people. If you care about wildlife, you need to care about what’s happening in America’s private forests. Sixty-percent of at-risk wildlife depends on private forests for habitat. In some watershed areas, 95 percent of at risk species occur only in private forests.
Worldwide, woodlands provide habitat for 90 percent of the plant and animal species that live on land; they’re the most diverse ecosystems on land.
Got woods? Visit MyLandPlan.org, a resource for woodland owners, by woodland owners, designed to help you protect and enjoy your woods.
Typical Woodland Plants & Wildlife
When you take a walk through the woods, you’ll have the chance to observe animals in their natural setting. It’s a great way to learn about behavior, observe species’ habits, and discover something new. Remember, you’re a guest in their home; use caution around any woodland animal. Below are a few animals you may encounter on your next walk in the woods.
- Deciduous
- Trees: Maple, Oaks, Elm, Aspen, Birch
- Shrubs: Honeysuckle, Veburnum, Azalea
- Vines: Grapes, Poison Ivy, Virginia Creeper, Wisteria
- Evergreens
- Conifers: Hemlock, Blue Spruce, Red Cedar, Pines
- Gymnosperms (seed-bearing plants): Holly, Cycads, Live Oak
- Angiosperms (flower-producing plants): Dogwoods, Royal Palm
- Swamps & Watersheds
- Mosses
- Small Mammals. Rabbits, foxes, raccoons, squirrels, chipmunks,
and badgers — it’s hard to imagine a forest without small mammals.
- Large Mammals. Deer, bear, bobcats, moose, and more – the forest is filled with large animals.
- Insects. Ladybugs, beetles, praying mantises, spiders, bees, and other buzzing bugs may give you the creepy crawlies, but they’re an essential part of the forest ecosystem.
- Reptiles & Amphibians. Gopher tortoise, turtles, salamanders, snakes, frogs, newts, and skunks; these scaly creatures are a common sight for many forest visitors
- Birds. Herons, woodpeckers, hummingbirds, bluebirds and cardinals; a good set of binoculars will help you get a peek at these fine-feathered friends.