Where to Find Serial Numbers – eTech
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Apple iMac’s Serial Number
You can find the serial number of an iMac on the back of the base or on the A&S label. The serial numbers of Mac computers are normally found on the back of the equipment and on the A&S label. You can also locate the serial number in the computer’s settings.
Apple MacBook’s Serial Number
The serial number is located on the back of the laptop or on the A&S label.
Dell Desktop’s Service Tag Number
The service tag number is located on top of the tower or on an A&S label.
Dell Monitor’s Serial Number
The serial number is located behind the monitor (not the one printed on the speaker bar). It is also on the A&S label attached on top of the monitor stand.
Printer’s Serial Number
The serial number of the printer can be found on the back or on the A&S label.
UA Tag Number
The UA tag number is commonly found on a visible part of the equipment. It has a barcode and an ID number.