What is SQL Developer?
Nội Dung Chính
Oracle SQL Developer is the Oracle Database IDE
A free graphical user interface, Oracle SQL Developer allows database users and administrators to do their database tasks in fewer clicks and keystrokes. A productivity tool, SQL Developer’s main objective is to help the end user save time and maximize the return on investment in the Oracle Database technology stack.
SQL Developer supports Oracle Database 10g, 11g, and 12c and will run on any operating system that supports Java.
For the Developer
SQL Developer provides powerful editors for working with SQL, PL/SQL, Stored Java Procedures, and XML. Run queries, generate execution plans, export data to the desired format (XML, Excel, HTML, PDF, etc.), execute, debug, test, and document your database programs, and much more with SQL Developer.
For the DBA
SQL Develper isn’t just for developers! Since version 3.0, the DBA Panel (available under the View menu) has provided database administrators a set of interfaces for their most critical tasks. SQL Developer will continue to add and enhance features for the DBA. Today, SQL Developer’s DBA panel provides support for:
- Data Pump
- Recovery Manager (RMAN)
- Oracle Auditing
- User and Role management
- Storage management, including the ability to add space to your tablespaces
- Resource Manager
- Diagnostic Pack features:
- Snapshots
- Baselines
For the Application Architect & Data Modeler
Oracle SQL Developer includes a complete data modeling solution with Oracle SQL Developer Data Modeler (SDDM) running inside the application (also available as a standalone and free installation.) SDDM supports:
- Logical, relational, physical, dimensional modeling
- Data Flow Diagrams
- DDL scripting
- Importing from data dictionaries, DDL scripts, Oracle Designer Repositories, and ERwin
- a Reporting Repository
- Versioning of your designs via Subversion
- Comparing models with generation of ALTER scripts
- a powerful search and reporting utility
For the Web Application Developer and Administrator
Oracle SQL Developer allows you to administer Oracle Rest Data Services and for creating and altering your RESTful services.
Oracle SQL Developer integrates with Oracle APEX, allowing you to browse applications and perform other Application Express activities. With Oracle SQL Developer you can browse, export and import, drop or deploy applications. There are a selection of Application Express reports and you can create your own custom reports.
Third Party Database Migrations
Formerly available in the Migration Workbench, Oracle SQL Developer is now the primary migration platform for moving your 3rd Party databases to Oracle Database. Users can connect to Access, SQL Server, Sybase ASE, DB2, or Teradata and walk a wizard-driven process to move their objects, data, and applications to Oracle.
Screenshots of Major Features
Below is a summary of several capabilities for SQL Developer. Click on the image thumbnail to view a full-sized image.