What happens straight after the birth?
It’s natural to focus on your baby’s birth while you’re pregnant. But it’s a good idea to also know what to expect after labour.
Skin-to-skin contact really helps with bonding. It’s a good idea to have your baby lifted onto you as soon as they’re born and before the cord is cut so you can be close to each other straight away.
Either before, or just after the cord is clamped, your baby will be dried and then covered with a towel to stop them getting cold. You can continue to hold and cuddle your baby while this is done.
Your baby may have some of your blood on their skin and perhaps vernix, the greasy white substance that protects your baby’s skin in the womb.
If you prefer, you can ask the midwife to dry your baby and wrap them in a blanket before your cuddle.
Mucus may need to be cleared out of your baby’s nose and mouth.
Some babies need a bit of help to get their breathing established.
Your baby may be taken to another part of the room to have some oxygen. They’ll be brought back to you as soon as possible.
Your baby will be examined by a midwife, neonatal nurse or paediatrician, then weighed and possibly measured, and given a wrist or ankle band with your name on.
Your midwife or maternity support worker will help you wash and freshen up before you go to the postnatal ward.