What does “DC Current VCC and GND Pins” in ATmega8 datasheet mean?
I’m using for some DIY project ATmega8-16PU, during the reading of the datasheet
(Datasheet Revision 2486AA–AVR–02/2013 )
I’ve encountered in section “Electrical Characteristics – TA = -40°C to 85°C” parameter, which is called “DC Current VCC and GND Pins”. Value of this parameter is 300mA. I was looking in Internet for some meaningful interpretation of this parameter. What I found was however a lot of confusion on the topic. Here are three possible interpretation of this parameter, can you please tell me, which one is the right one.
- 300mA is total current into all VCC and out of all GND pins.
- 300mA is current into all VCC pins and there is 300mA out of all GND
pins - 300mA is current into each VCC pin and 300mA is current out of each
GND pin
The most reasonable explanation supporting last interpretation I found under following link:
Allowed current thru AVR devices
Depending on which interpretation is right one, I can e.g. change package type to TQFP in order to increase my current budget.
Please note that I don’t want to exceed any Absolut Maximum Ratings, what I want however is to try out exceeding test conditions in datasheet.