What You Need to Know on Your First Day of Work | CareersInFood.com

Do you have a taste for something big? If you’re looking for the opportunity to reach your potential

Congrats, you got the job! Now it’s on to the fun stuff – like your first day! Ok, we’ll admit, the first day can be just as intimidating as the interview. We’ve pulled together a list of do’s to make sure your first day goes well and sets you on the right path at your brand new job.

Arrive Early

Get there at least 15 minutes early on your first day. If you’re new to the area, make sure you practice your commute before your first day – when you’re going to be making the commute – to find out how much time you need to get there. The last thing you want is to race through the door, hurried and scattered two minutes before you’re supposed to meet your new boss.

Ask Questions

Put a little time into a list of questions you’ll want to ask on your first day. You want to demonstrate your curiosity, but the first day can cause information overload. Having a list can help you unfreeze and put your best foot forward. Think about what you’ll need to know to be successful, or even just to fit into the office culture.

Introduce Yourself

Introduce yourself…a lot. There are a ton of people to meet, and you never know when you’ll see some of them again! A busy office might mean you only see the people next door most days of the week, so speak up and say hello in the elevator or the lunch line. Make sure you meet the people you’ll be working with most closely, then branch out from there.

Revamp your Elevator Pitch

Let’s face it, everyone wants to know about the new kid. Tweak your elevator pitch for your new colleagues, and remember that you’ve got the job, so you’re not trying to impress everyone into hiring you anymore. Offer up information about where you worked before, or what you’ll be doing here. Make sure you stay professional. It’s only the first day and you want to leave a good impression!

Befriend a Vet

From everything to finding the staples to staying on the boss’s good side, you’ll want a seasoned fellow employee around the office. Find someone who’s open to helping you get your footing and who actually knows their way around the office. Newer employees might know everything about where to get coffee, but someone who’s been there a while will be able to help you manage the new social climate you’ve entered.

Dress to Impress

If the dress code is unclear, it’s a good idea to get in touch with your contacts at the company. Even when you know the dress code, keep it simple for the first few days until you figure out just how much of your style you can work in.

Pay Attention

You probably want to leave your phone on silent, and in a drawer. Your first day is definitely not the day to be distracted with Facebook or texts, you’ll have plenty of time after work to catch up. Stay focused – be it on your first task, or figuring out the makeup of your new team. You can call your mom on the ride home to gush about what amazing day you had.

Listen to the Unwritten Rules

Office norms and politics can make or break your time with the company – you don’t want to be the frustrating one who leaves dirty dishes around, do you? Pay attention to how others behave, they’ll give you a good indication of how to handle a fussy co-worker, or whether it’s ok to put in headphones.

Last but not least, a short list of what you’ll want to bring on your first day:

  • Passport – for all the first day, ‘prove who you are’ paperwork
  • Checkbook – most companies use direct deposit these days, and a blank, voided check is usually required to get set up
  • Notebook & pen – you’ll definitely want to take down notes, and it’ll help you feel prepared
  • Water bottle and a small, clean snack – you don’t know what the lunch situation looks like just yet, so play it safe by bringing something to help you get through the day. Just don’t bring anything too smelly or messy, you also don’t know how close to your co-workers you’ll be sitting!

The first day at a new job doesn’t have to be scary and stressful. All the work of searching, applying, and interviewing has paid off, so relax, be smart, be yourself, and follow these tips to the top! 

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