Virginia AT Network – Training and Technical Assistance Center (TTAC 2021) – Virginia Commonwealth University

VDOE’s Assistive Technology Network

Logo for the VDOE AT Network

The VDOE Assistive Technology Network supports the priorities of VDOE by developing and disseminating tools and information about AT consideration, AT assessment and the integration of AT across the curriculum. Through systems-change efforts, the AT Network supports the development of division AT teams across Virginia who then help build the capacity of their divisions to make appropriate AT decisions and provide access to AT for their students. The AT Network sponsors professional development activities such as workshops, the Virtual TechKnowledgy Conference (webinars) and the face-to-face TechKnowledgy Conference.

Visit the Virginia Assistive Technology Network website for additional information about assistive technology use in Virginia programs and school divisions and to find contact information for your local T/TAC AT Network representative.