View and Manage Your Amazon Developer Account | Alexa Skills Kit

View and Manage Your Amazon Developer Account

Note: Sign in to the

Sign in to the developer console to build or publish your skill.

If you have an Amazon developer account, you can view and manage your account details from the Amazon developer dashboard. The developer account gives you access to Alexa Skills Kit (ASK) software and tools to create and publish Alexa skills. For details about ASK, see What is the Alexa Skills Kit? To create an Amazon developer account, see Create Your Amazon Developer Account.

Complete the following procedures to update your account settings and company profile, add payment information and tax identity, and manage user permissions. If multiple developers want to work on skills together, you can invite additional users to your developer account to give them access to work on your Alexa skills.

View account settings

If you have an Amazon developer account, you can sign in to view your account settings on the Amazon developer dashboard.

To view your Amazon developer account settings

  1. Sign in to the Amazon developer dashboard.

  2. In the dashboard, click the Settings tab.
  3. Click the tab for the account information you want to view or update.
    By default, the dashboard displays the My Account tab.

The following table shows the tabs you can choose from under Settings. Some settings require account administrator role to view.



My Account

Your contact information, such as name, email, and phone number. You can also see your role. If you’re the account owner, your role is Administrator by default. However, if another developer has shared their account with you, you might have another role. For more details, see Manage user permissions.
To change your contact information, see Update account settings.

Note: You can only associate one mobile number with one Amazon account.

Company Profile

Contact information for your company. Both individuals and companies can open an Amazon developer account. Amazon doesn’t require that you’re part of a company to open an account. To update your company contact information, see Update company profile.

The information you enter in the Developer / Company name field displays underneath the skill name in the Alexa Skills Store for Alexa skills that you publish. Make sure you follow the policy guidelines for the company name.
When your Alexa skill goes through certification, Amazon sends certification feedback to the email address listed in the company profile.

Payments and Benefits

Payment details, such as your bank name and routing number. If you’re planning to sell products in your Alexa skills, you must enter your payment information. To protect your payment information, Amazon uses two-step verification. To add or update your payment information, see Enter payment information. For details about how to monetize your skill, see Earn Money with an Alexa Skill.

To delete payment information, open a general inquiry on the Alexa Developer Contact Us page.

Tax Identity

To earn revenue from your Alexa skills, you must complete a tax identity interview. The interview provides your taxpayer information to Amazon so that you can receive royalties or other payments from Amazon. To add or update your tax identification information, see Complete the tax identity interview.

User Permissions

A list of users for the account. If you have multiple users who work on skill development and submissions, you can give them access to your account. For details, see Manage user permissions.


This tab doesn’t apply to Alexa skills.

Security Profiles

A list of security profiles for your account. For example, when you enable permissions to send Alexa events, Amazon creates a security profile for your skill.

In the My Account tab you can change your account details, such as email address, phone number, and password.

To change account settings

  1. Sign in to the Amazon developer dashboard.
  2. In the dashboard, click the Settings tab.
  3. Click the My Account tab.
  4. Click Edit.
  5. Find the setting you want to change, and then click Edit.
  6. Update your information, and then click Save Changes.
    If you change your email, Amazon sends a One Time Password (OTP) to your new email account.
    Open your email to retrieve the OTP, and then in the Enter OTP field, enter the code.
  7. Continue to edit other account details.
  8. To save your changes, click Done.

Update company profile

You can edit all fields except the Developer / Company name field. For details about how to change this field, see Change your developer or company name.

To update company information

  1. Sign in to the Amazon developer dashboard.
  2. In the dashboard, click the Settings tab.
  3. Click the Company Profile tab.
  4. In the lower-right corner, click Edit.
  5. Update the fields you want to change.
  6. To save your changes, click Save.

If you plan to sell products in your Alexa skills, you must enter payment details, such as your bank routing number and account number. Amazons sends your payment to your registered bank account. For details about selling products in an Alexa skill, see Requirements for Skills that Allow Purchases and Sell Products in an Alexa Skill.

For security purposes, you must confirm your identity through an OTP to enter the payment information. Amazon sends the OTP by using text or phone call.

To enter payment information

  1. Sign in to the Amazon developer dashboard.
  2. In the dashboard, click the Settings tab.
  3. Click the Payments and Benefits tab.
  4. For Two-step verification, choose how to receive the OTP, and then click Send OTP.
  5. For Enter OTP, enter the code, and then click Sign-In.
  6. For Do you plan to monetize your digital content …?, click Yes.
  7. Fill in your account information, and then click Save to save your changes.

    Note: For Do you plan to monetize apps by displaying ads …?, click No. This question doesn’t apply to Alexa skills.

Depending on the location of your bank, you might have to select your preferred payment method. Choose electronic payment or check.

Important: After you enter your payment information, for security reasons, the page doesn’t display the banking information or check address. To update payment details, click

After you enter your payment information, for security reasons, the page doesn’t display the banking information or check address. To update payment details, click Payment information , and then reenter your account information.

Complete the tax identity interview

To comply with United States Internal Revenue (IRS) tax regulations, you must complete a tax identity interview for skills that generate royalties or other payments to you from Amazon. As part of the self-service tax identity interview, you provide your 9-digit United States Tax Identification Number (TIN), which can be any of the following identification numbers:

  • Social Security Number (SSN)
  • Employer Identification Number (EIN)
  • Individual Tax Identification Number (ITIN)

Check your records to confirm your tax identity, and enter this information in the tax identity interview.

To complete the tax identification interview

  1. Sign in to the Amazon developer dashboard.
  2. In the dashboard, click the Settings tab.
  3. Click the Tax Identity tab.
  4. Select Royalty Tax Identification Interview.
  5. Enter the required taxpayer information.
    For instructions for tax-exempt organizations, see Tax identity interview for tax-exempt organizations.
    For instructions for international developers, see Tax identity interview for international developers
  6. To sign and submit the information, click Continue.

Amazon validates your tax information in 1 – 10 business days and, if successful, updates the tax status to Complete. You can’t make changes to your tax information during the validation process. If your information or circumstances change, retake the Tax Identity Interview.

If the information that you submit doesn’t match IRS records, Amazon emails you instructions to update your tax information. You must retake the interview within 30 days. If you don’t supply valid information within 30 days, your revenue-generating skills become unavailable for customers to purchase and use.

Amazon can’t disclose to you which information in the tax identity interview wasn’t valid or supply solutions related to your tax information. If Amazon asks you to re-take the tax identity interview, consider the most common causes for invalid tax information:

  • Verify the spelling of your name. Make sure that you provide your middle initial or middle name, if applicable.
  • Use the name and TIN that appear on your SSN, CP565 notice (ITIN), or CP575A notice (EIN), if applicable.
  • If you provide an EIN and use a business name, use the name that appears on the top line of the address header on your CP575A notice from the IRS.

For your security, Amazon can’t update your account records over the phone or by email.

For more details about completing the interview, see the Tax Identity Interview Guide.

Tax identity interview for tax-exempt organizations

If your organization is a non-profit, tax-exempt organization, you still complete a tax identification interview to provide Amazon with the appropriate tax identity, such as a W-9 or W-8BEN form.

Tax identity interview for international developers

US tax law requires Amazon to report royalty payments made to entities and persons residing outside of the United States, and might require Amazon to withhold and remit taxes on such royalty payments to the US Internal Revenue Service (IRS).
Your own government might also require you to report earnings and pay taxes.
Consult a tax advisor if you have any questions on these requirements.

The tax identity interview uses your taxpayer information to complete an IRS Form W-8 or an IRS Form 8233 for US tax reporting. The results of the interview helps Amazon:

  • Certify your non-US status
  • Determine if your payments are subject to US tax reporting
  • Determine the rate of US tax withholding, if any, applicable to your payments

Tax rates for international developers

The statutory US withholding tax rate applied to US source royalty and service payments made to non-US persons is 30%. If you’re a non-US-based developer, determine if your country or region of residence has an existing income tax treaty with the US. If so, you might be able to claim a reduced rate of US tax withholding on the royalty and/or service payments that you receive by completing an IRS tax form, such as Form W-8, in the tax identity interview.

Amazon provides you and the IRS with an IRS Form 1042-S each year. This form details US source payments and associated US tax withholdings remitted to the IRS during that year.

Manage user permissions

The user that creates the Amazon developer account is the account owner. The account owner has complete access to the Amazon developer dashboard and full rights to administer their developer account. As account owner, you can invite additional users to your developer account to give them access to work on your Alexa skills based on their role. For each user, you grant access to the skills that you want them to work on and keep them from accessing other skills in your account.

User roles

When you add a user to your developer account, you assign a role to the user to give them permissions associated with that role.
Four options are available, each with unique permissions.






Create and delete skills





Code editor access for Alexa-hosted skills





Update skills





Test skills





Schedule and manage beta tests





Submit for certification and publish skills





View skill analytics





View resource usage data for Alexa-hosted skills





View Payments and Earnings





Add a user to your account

To give a user permission to work on your Alexa skills, you must first add the user to your developer account, and then specify the role of the user. Then, you can specify which of your Alexa skills you want the user to be able to access.

To add a user to your developer account

  1. Sign in to the Amazon developer dashboard.
  2. In the dashboard, click the Settings tab.
  3. Click the User Permissions tab.
  4. Click Add New.
  5. In the Email Address column, in the text box, enter the email address of the user.

    If the user already has an Amazon account that they want to use when they work with you, make sure to enter the email address that matches what they use when they sign in to Amazon. You can also enter an email address for a user that doesn’t have an Amazon account yet. The user can go through the Amazon account registration flow to set up their account.

  6. In the Roles column, select the boxes that correspond to the roles that you want to assign to the user. For details about roles, see User roles.

  7. Click Save.

After you add a user, that user receives an email from [email protected] with the subject, Amazon Developer Program Invitation from Amazon. After the user accepts the invitation, you see their name under User Permissions. Now you can grant skill access to the user.

Remove a user from your account

To remove a user from your developer account

  1. Sign in to the Amazon developer dashboard.
  2. In the dashboard, click the Settings tab.
  3. Click the User Permissions tab.
  4. Find the user you want to remove, and then click Remove access.

Grant skill access to a user

To enable other developers to work on your skills, you can give them access to the Alexa skills on your developer account. For a single user, you can give access to all existing and future skills on your account, none of the skills on your account, or you can select up to 40 specific skills to allow the user to access. You can also define the default skill access for all users that are part of your developer account.

Note: If the user has the Administrator role on your developer account, you can’t modify their permissions and the user can access all skills on your account.

If you added a user email address to your developer account and the user doesn’t already have an Amazon account with that email address, you must wait to specify skill access for the user. After the user creates the Amazon account, you can specify which skills they can access.

To configure specific skills that a single user can access

  1. Sign in to the Alexa developer console.
  2. Click the Settings tab.
  3. In the Skills Access Management row, click the Manage user access to Alexa skills link.
  4. In the list, find the email address for the user you want to share skill access with.
  5. In the SKILL ACCESS column, select the skills you want the user to be able to access.
  6. Click Save.

To configure default skill access for all users

  1. Sign in to the Alexa developer console.
  2. Click the Settings tab.
  3. In the Skills Access Management row, click the set default skill access setting link.
  4. To grant access to all skills for new users that you might add to your account, select Allow all.
    Or, to grant access to all skills for existing users for whom you haven’t set specific skill access, select Allow all.
    Or, if you want to deny access to all skills for users that you might add to your account, select Deny all.

    Note: If you deny access to all skills, you can still add access to specific skills.

  5. Click Save.

To remove access to a specific skill

  1. Sign in to the Alexa developer console.
  2. Click the Settings tab.
  3. In the Skills Access Management row, click the Manage user access to Alexa skills link.
  4. In the list, find the email address for the user from whom you want to remove skill access.
  5. In the SKILL ACCESS column, click the x next to the skills you want to remove.
  6. Click Save.

View security profiles

After you enable permissions to send Alexa events, Amazon creates a security profile for your smart home skill. You can view your security profiles and any deleted profiles. If you delete a profile, you can restore it.

To view the security profiles in your developer account

  1. Sign in to the Amazon developer dashboard.
  2. In the dashboard, click the Settings tab.
  3. Click the Security Profiles tab.

To restore deleted security profiles

  1. In the Security Profiles tab, choose Show Recently Deleted Security Profiles.
    1 . Select the profile that you want to restore, and then select Restore Security Profile.

Change your developer or company name

Your developer name or company name appears with your skill in the Alexa Skills Store. After you create your developer account, you must submit a request to change the name.

To change your developer or company name, submit a request to Amazon

  1. Sign in to the Alexa developer console.
  2. Open the Alexa Developer Contact Us page.
  3. Under Type, choose General Inquiry.
  4. Under Category, choose Other.
  5. In the Subject box, enter Change company name.
  6. In the Description box, provide your current name and the new developer or company name you want.
  7. To send the question, click Submit.

Note: After the name change is visible on your account, it might take several days to appear in the Alexa Skills Store.

Last updated: Apr 17, 2023