The chart shows how frequently people in the USA ate in fast food restaurants between 2003 and 2013.
Sample Answer 1
Band 7+
The graphical representation depicts how frequently individuals in the United States visit fast-food restaurants during the years from 2003 to 2013. Over time, the percentage of people who ate at fast-food outlets once or twice a month remained relatively low. The proportion of those who ate and never had food at fast-food establishments was much lower than the rest.
In 2003, more than 31% of Americans visited fast-food restaurants at least once a week; by 2006, this proportion had increased to more than 33%. However, in 2013, those who ate at fast-food restaurants at least once a week saw a significant decrease of 27%. Additionally, it was 30% for Americans who ate fast meals on the spot once or twice a week in 2005, but fell to 25% in 2006, before rising to 33% in 2013.
Finally, the proportion of people who often ate throughout the week was greater than the proportion who visited a fast-food restaurant just a few times a year.
163 Words
Author: Dr Vishal Goyal