VB Language – Lesson 01: Introduction to Microsoft Visual Studio

Microsoft Visual Basic 2010 Express Edition

To launch Microsoft Visual Studio 2010, you can click
Start -> (All) Programs -> Microsoft Visual Studio 2010.

The Microsoft Visual Studio Interface


The Main Menu

The top section of Microsoft Visual Studio displays the
main menu divided in categories such as File or Edit. The main menu is used
like the menu of a normal application.

The Toolbars

Under the main menu, there is a toolbar. Normally, when
the studio is launched, it displays the Standard toolbar as its default.
Some additional toolbars will display in response to an action from you.
Still, you can display other toolbars if you want. To do this:

  • On the main menu, click View -> Toolbars and click the toolbar of
    your choice
  • Right-click the main menu or any toolbar. In the that appears, click
    the desired toolbar


Toolbars are used in the same they are in other

Microsoft Visual Studio’s menus and toolbars can be
customized. You can customize a menu category on the main menu by adding a
menu item to it. You can customize a toolbar by adding a button to it. To
start, right-click anything on the main menu or on any toolbar and click
Customize… For example, imagine you want to add an item named Start
Without Debugging to the left side of the Start button:

The position where the button will be added

To do this:

  1. Right-click the main menu or a toolbar and click Customize
  2. On the Customize dialog box, click the Commands tab
  3. Click the Toolbars radio button
  4. In the Toolbars combo box, select the toolbar that will host the
    button. For our example, that would be Standard
  5. In the Controls list, click the button that will come after the new
    button. For our example, that would be Start / Continue:


  6. Click Add Command…
  7.  In the Categories list of the Add Command dialog box, select the
    category that has the button you want. For our example, that would be
  8.  In the Commands list, click the desired button or menu item. For
    our example, that would be Start Without Debugging

    Add Command

  9. After makiing the selection, click OK


  10. On the Customize dialog box, click Close:

The position where the button has been added

In the same way, you can customize any toolbar and any
menu category.

The Start Page

The Start Page is the main body of Microsoft Visual
Studio or Microsoft Visual Basic Express when it has been launched. It
starts on top with a tab labeled Start Page. The main body of Microsoft
Visual Basic Express displays Microsoft Visual Basic 2010 Express. The left
section shows two labels: New Project… and Open Project… When some
projects have been previously created or used, their names appear under Open
Project… When you work on a project, the Start Page is usually in the
background but it is represented by a tab. At any time, to display the Start

  • You can click the Start Page label in the top section of the Code
  • On the main menu, you can click View -> Start Page

Showing and Closing a

When you start or open a project, the studio makes some
windows available. These are the most regularly used windows. If you think
that one of them is not regularly used in your types of assignments, you can
remove it from the screen. To hide a window, you can click its Close button

All of the windows you can use are listed in the View
menu. Therefore, if a window is not displaying, you can click View on the
main menu and click a window of your choice.

Auto Hiding a Window

When working on a project, you will use a set of windows
that each accomplishes a specific purpose. Some windows are represented by
an icon but hide the rest of the body. To display such a window, you can
position the mouse on it. This would expand the window:

Expanding a Window

If you expand a window, it would display a title bar
with three buttons. One of the button is called Auto Hide:

Auto Hide

If you expand a window but find out you don’t need it
any more, you can just move the mouse away. The window would return to its
previous state. Based on this functionality, if you are working with a
window and move the mouse away, it would retract. If you need it again, you
would have to reopen it using the same technique. If you are going to work
with a certain window for a while, you can keep it open even if you move the
mouse away. To do this, you can click the Auto Hide button. If clicked, the
Auto Hide button changes from pointing left to pointing down:


By default, the studio installs some windows to the left
and some others to the right of the screen. You can change this arrangement
if you want. To do this, expand a window, then click its title bar and start
dragging. While you are dragging, to assist you with a new position, the
studio displays five boxes:


Docking a Window to a Side of the Studio

To position a window on one side of the studio, drag its
title bar to the box that represents that side. When you get to a side, a
transparent blue rectangle would be drawn to indicate the possible position.
Drop the window to either the most left guiding box to position it to the
left of the screen, or to the most right guiding box to position it to the
right of the screen. Here is an example:




To position a window to the top or the bottom side of
the studio, drag its title bar to either the most top guiding box to
position it to the top of the studio or to the most bottom guiding box to
position it to the bottom of the studio. Here is an example:


Docking a Window Above or Below Another

To make two windows share an area, you can position one
above or below an existing window. Of course, you must first have a window
as reference. Then, drag the second window to the existing window. Drop it
in the 



