Use Apple TV (2nd generation), iTunes Help

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Play items in your iTunes library using Apple TV (2nd generation or later)
With Apple TV (2nd generation or later), you can content to your home theater system from your iTunes library, and the iTunes libraries of all the computers in your Home Sharing network. You can also stream digital photos stored on your computer.
To stream content to Apple TV (2nd generation or later), you must set up Home Sharing in iTunes and on Apple TV. You can have up to five computers in your Home Sharing network.
For Apple TV (1st generation), see Play items in your iTunes library using Apple TV (1st generation).
Set up Home Sharing on your computer
In iTunes, choose File > Home Sharing > Turn On Home Sharing.
Type your Apple ID and password, and click Turn On Home Sharing.
Repeat these steps for each computer you want to use to stream content to Apple TV (2nd generation), using the same Apple ID and password.
Set up Home Sharing on Apple TV
On Apple TV, choose Settings > Computers.
Choose Turn On Home Sharing, and then enter the same Apple ID and password you entered on your computer.
Stream photos from your computer to Apple TV
Once Home Sharing is set up on your computer and on Apple TV, you can use iTunes to stream photos to your home theater system.
In iTunes, choose File > Home Sharing > Choose Photos to Share with Apple TV.
In the window that appears, select Share Photos From, and choose a source from the pop-up menu.
Choose “All photos, albums, events, and faces” or “Selected albums, events, and faces.”
If you chose “Selected albums, events, and faces,” select the albums, events, and faces you want to stream.
Click Apply.
To play items in your iTunes library on your home theater system using Apple TV (2nd generation or later), your computer must be on and iTunes must be open. For more information, refer to the Apple TV Setup Guide.
See also
Apple TV Support