University of Texas, Austin – Hillel International
Nội Dung Chính
Explore Texas Hillel Foundation
Texas Hillel at The University of Texas at Austin’s mission is to enrich the lives of Jewish students so that they may enrich the Jewish people and the world. Texas Hillel members are dedicated to creating a pluralistic, welcoming and inclusive environment for Jewish college students, where they are encouraged to grow intellectually, spiritually and socially. Texas Hillel helps students find a balance in being distinctively Jewish and universally human by encouraging them to pursue tzedek, tikkun olam and Jewish learning, and to support Israel and global Jewish peoplehood.
Undergraduate Enrollment
2,750 Jewish Students (6.8%*)
40,506 Students
*Percent of population
Graduate Enrollment
750 Jewish Students (6.8%*)
11,075 Students
*Percent of population
Jewish Experience
Served by Hillel
Religious Services Available
YesRabbi/Jewish Educator on Campus
YesKosher Food Available
YesBirthright Israel Participation
NoAlt Break Participation
NoJewish Studies Offered
YesJewish Studies Major or Minor
Minor, MajorStudy Abroad in Israel
Accepts credit for Israel study abroadIsrael Fellow
Religious Services
We host four different experiences on Friday evening: Reform, Conservative and Orthodox services as well as a social justice discussion, followed by dinner.
Contact this hillel
Additional Campus Information
University Website
PublicAcceptance Rate
32%U.S. Region
ResidentialTuition In-State
$11,448Tuition Out-of-State
9% / 4%Greek Life
Related Scholarships
Check out some of the scholarships available for University of Texas, Austin Jewish undergraduate students.
View all scholarships
University of Texas, Austin
Award for Best Thesis on a Jewish Topic
To support excellent research among undergraduate students on Jewish topics.
University of Texas, Austin
Rosenberg Scholarship for First-Year Jewish Studies Majors
Any first-year student who has formally declared Jewish Studies as a major. The recipient must plan to be enrolled full-time at UT as a Jewish Studies major in the semester following the application deadline.
University of Texas, Austin
Todd and Dawn Aaron Endowed Presidential Scholarship
Current Jewish Studies Major. The recipient will be known as the “Aaron Scholar” for the academic year in which the scholarship is awarded. The recipient must plan to be enrolled at UT for the full academic year (two semesters) following the application deadline.
The Hillel College Guide aims to provide you with a snapshot of each local Hillel’s makeup and offerings. We recognize that there may be more information you need in order to better understand the campus reality, particularly around issues of diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility. If you would like additional information about a given campus’ offerings or action steps in those areas, please reach out to us at [email protected].