University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign – Niche

I am so grateful for my experiences at Illinois. The campus is a perfect blend of the, “work hard, play hard” mindset. You are surrounded by people who are extremely dedicated, getting high GPA’s while conducting research or securing competitive internships. Seeing this motivates everyone to be the best student they can be, and almost everyone I know is involved in multiple RSO’s including professional ones. At the same time, everyone knows how to have fun- in or outside of greek life. There is something to do any night of the week, and people willing to go with you. As a psychology student I would warn that certain majors require careful planning- especially anyone on a pre-health track- as classes fill up quickly or are only offered certain semesters. Classes can be challenging, but they prepare you for upper level courses and are a big part of the reason the school has such a good reputation. As a Big 10 school with actual diversity, Illinois has it all. I-L-L!