Unit 11 Science and technology (D. Reading) trang 40 tiếng anh 8 mới

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Unit 11 Science and technology

D. Reading


Bài 1 Read the passage and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each blank.

[ Đọc bài và chọn đáp án đúng A, B , C hay D cho mỗi chỗ trống]

An American, Charles D. Seeberger, produced the first commercial moving staircase to transport people in the 1890s. He called this (1)________ an ‘escalator’, taking the name from the Latin word ‘scala’, which means ‘ladder’. Escalators move people up and down short (2) _________ . Lifts do the same, butonlymoveasmall(3) ________of people. Escalators havethecapacitytomovea lot of peopleat thesametime,andtheycanbeplacedinthesamespaceasone(4) __________ install a staircase.

A non-functioning escalator can be used as a normal staircase, whereas many other conveyances become (5) _________ when they break down.

Towards the end of the nineteenth century, cities were becoming more crowded and the first escalators were (6)_________ at railway stations and in big department stores so that people could move about more quickly. Today we see escalators everywhere.

1. A. creator
B. invention
C. exploration
D. revolution

2. A. distances
B. directions
C. measurements
D. lengths

3. A. shape
B. form
C. number
D. figure

4. A. should
B. must
C. will
D. might

5. A. useful
B. useless
C. unused
D. uselessly

6. A. built
B. designed
C. produced
D. advanced


1.B            2. A           3. C         4. D             5. B              6. A

Bài 2 Read the conversation and choose the correct answer to each question.

[ Đọc bài đối thoại và chọn đáp án đúng cho mỗi câu hỏi]

Timothy: Hello, Hisa! How are you?

Hisa: Fine thanks, and you?

Timothy: Good. Hisa, you told me that you had a concern about Japan. What is it?

Hisa: It’s all the vending machines. Every day you come across many of them on the street. I don’t think we need that many. They’re all consuming energy, which really worries me.

Timothy: OK, so what would you like to happen with the vending machines? Would you like more laws against them, or…?

Hisa: Well, they really make the scenery uglier. If we all brought drinks and snacks from home, we could remove many of the machines. Then we would have more space for roads. At the moment our roads in Japan are so narrow. It’s dangerous!

Timothy: You said that you could see vending machines in strange places in Japan like remote places in the countryside or in the mountains?

Hisa: Yes. For example, there’s one on the summit of Mt. Fuji. It’s a shame.

Timothy: All the way on the top of Mt. Fuji?

Hisa: Yes. The mountain climbers don’t like that. They don’t want us to put vending machines on other mountains, either.

Timothy: Yeah, that’s crazy.

1. What does Hisa say about vending machines?

A. There are not enough of them.

B There are too many of them.

C. She is not concerned about them.

2. What do vending machines consume?

A. Energy                B. Scenery                 C. Drinks

3. According to Hisa, the __________ looks worse with the vending machines.

A. City                    B. scenery                  C. road

4. How does she describe the roads in Japan?

A. They are wide.               B. They are safe.                     C. They are narrow.

5. Hisa says it is a shame to have __________ .

A. Vending machines on Mt. Fuji

B. Unsafe roads in Japan

C. Vending machines on other mountains


1. B            2. A               3.B                 4. C               5. A

Bài 3 Read the text and choose one word/ phrase from the list to fill each gap.

[ Đọc bài và chọn 1 từ / cụm từ trong danh sách để điền vào mỗi chỗ trống]

Unit 11


1. Get information
2. Says
3. That activity
4. The field
5. Addictive

