US Visa – Visa Types and Visa Policy of the United States
Millions of people enter and leave the United States every year. It is a popular tourism and immigration destination. However, if you are not a resident of the United States, you will most likely need a visa to enter the country.
A US visa is a stamp that you get on your travel document, more specifically your passport, which means that you are eligible to enter the United States. Having a US Visa does not necessarily mean that you will enter the US, as this is at the discretion of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), and the Customs and Borders Protection (CPB) Inspectors.
Do I Need to Apply for a US Visa?
Citizens of the following countries need to apply for a visa to be able to enter the United States::
- Afghanistan
- Albania
- Algeria
- Angola
- Antigua and Barbuda
- Argentina
- Armenia
- Aruba
- Azerbaijan
- Bahamas
- Bahrain
- Bangladesh
- Barbados
- Belarus
- Belize
- Benin
- Bhutan
- Bolivia
- Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Botswana
- Brazil
- Bulgaria
- Burkina Faso
- Burundi
- Costa Rica
- Cameroon
- Cape Verde
- Cambodia
- Chad
- China
- Central African Republic
- Comoros
- Congo Democratic Republic
- Colombia
- Cyprus
- Djibouti
- Cuba
- Dominican Republic
- East Timor
- Dominica
- Egypt
- El Salvador
- Ecuador
- Eritrea
- Ethiopia
- Equatorial Guinea
- Fiji
- Gabon
- Federated States of Micronesia
- Georgia
- Ghana
- Gambia
- Guatemala
- Guinea
- Grenada
- Guyana
- Haiti
- Guinea Bissau
- India
- Indonesia
- Honduras
- Iraq
- Israel
- Iran
- Ivory Coast
- Kazakhstan
- Jamaica
- Jordan
- Kuwait
- Kenya
- Kiribati
- Lebanon
- Kyrgyzstan
- Laos
- Libya
- Lesotho
- Liberia
- Malawi
- Macedonia
- Madagascar
- Mali
- Malaysia
- Maldives
- Mexico
- Mauritania
- Mauritius
- Montenegro
- Moldova
- Mongolia
- Myanmar
- Morocco
- Mozambique
- Nepal
- Namibia
- Nauru
- Nigeria
- Nicaragua
- Niger
- Palau
- Oman
- Pakistan
- Paraguay
- Panama
- Papua New Guinea
- Poland
- Peru
- Philippines
- Republic of Korea
- Qatar
- Republic of Congo
- Russia
- Republic of Kosovo
- Romania
- Saint Lucia
- Rwanda
- Saint Kitts and Nevis
- Sao Tome and Principe
- Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
- Samoa
- Serbia
- Saudi Arabia
- Senegal
- Solomon Islands
- Seychelles
- Sierra Leone
- South Sudan
- Somalia
- South Africa
- Suriname
- Sri Lanka
- Sudan
- Tajikistan
- Swaziland
- Syria
- Togo
- Tanzania
- Thailand
- Tunisia
- Tonga
- Trinidad and Tobago
- Tuvalu
- Turkey
- Turkmenistan
- United Arab Emirates
- Uganda
- Ukraine
- Vanuatu
- Uruguay
- Uzbekistan
- Vietnam
- Vatican City
- Venezuela
- Zimbabwe
- Yemen
- Zambia
On the other hand, citizens of Visa Waiver Countries and citizens of Bermuda and Canada can travel to the US for temporary stays of 90 days or less without a visa if they travel for tourism or business purposes. They can instead get an ESTA (Electronic System for Travel Authorization) from the US Customs and Borders Protection’s (CBP). This authorizing document categorizes the traveler as a citizen of a participating country in the VWP agreement.
*Here you can read the article about visa free countries for US passport holders.
All the travelers are also required to have an electronic passport with biometric information which has a machine-readable zone on its biographic page.
Use this tool to determine whether you need to apply for a US visa:
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Regulations for Canada and Bermuda citizens
Citizens of Canada and Bermuda enjoy the freedom of traveling temporarily to the US without having to possess a nonimmigrant visa or any other pre-entry authorization, such as ESTA (Electronic System for Travel Authorization).
- Canadian citizens – are free to enter and stay in the US, even to work there (they might even use an NEXUS Card or an Enhanced Driver’s License for identification, instead of a passport)
- Bermudian citizens – are exempt from visa requirements, for stays less than 6 months in the US
Benefiting from the agreement “the Compacts of Free Association” with the US, citizens of the Marshall Islands, Micronesia and Palau are released from visa requirement for entering, staying, studying, or getting employed in the US without limit.
US Visa Application
The US visa application follows a similar and straightforward procedure for all types of visas. However, there are differences depending on the visa category and type you want to get and the country that you are applying from. To learn the specifics of applying for a US visa from different world countries, you can visit the respective guides:
US Visa Types
There are about 185 types of US visas, grouped into two main categories:
- Nonimmigrant visas. Issued for temporary visits to the United States such as for tourism, business, employment, family visit, and studying.
- Immigrant visas. Issued to people who will move permanently to the United States under immigrant investor schemes or family reunion.
Here are the main types of US visas:
What is the Difference Between a Nonimmigrant Visa and an Immigrant Visa?
The main difference between nonimmigrant and immigrant visas is the length of time that the visa holder is allowed to stay in the US. Nonimmigrant visas are temporary, which means that they expire and the visa holder must return to their home country immediately.
Immigrant visas are otherwise known as Green Cards and they are permanent. Once the visa holder has an immigrant visa, they can move to the US and stay there as long as they want to without having a deadline to return to their home country.
Differences between a Green Card and a visa
What Does a US Visa Look Like?
When you are granted a visa for USA, it will look at the picture below. You should check whether it has your correct information that matches the data in your passport, and all the parts that are in the sample visa. If it does not contain all the information, you should contact the US Embassy that has issued it.
>>How to Read the US Visa Foil Number?
Does Having a US Visa Guarantee Entry Into the United States?
Possessing a valid US visa does not guarantee entry into the US. The border patrol at any US point of entry is responsible for anyone who enters the country.
That is why when you arrive in the United States, you will first have to go through immigration and customs who will check your documents and background and make a decision about whether they should grant you entry to the United States. Those officials have the authority to detain and question you, and they also have the right to stop you from going into the United States. They can also make arrangements for you to return to your home country.
There are various reasons that can be used to not allow you entry into the United States, but most of them are concerned with any threat to the security and safety that you might pose to US residents and other visitors.
What Happens if I Do Not Get a US Visa?
There are multiple reasons that USCIS or the US Embassy could deny your petition or visa application. You could be ineligible or you might have had a criminal past so you will not qualify to enter the USA.
If you do not get a visa, then you have two options: either appeal to USCIS or the US Embassy or apply for a new visa. It is usually recommended to apply for a new visa rather than appeal since the US Embassy will have a valid reason as to why they denied your visa and you could correct it when you reapply.
For more on this issue, visit the US Visa Denial article.
How Long Can I Stay in the United States With a Visa?
Since US nonimmigrant visas are temporary, they have an expiration date. This date depends on the type of visa. There are visas which are valid for only 3 months, and some that are valid for 3 years.
You must check the type of visa you want to apply for and see how long it is valid once you get it. US immigrant visas do not have an expiration date so with such a visa, you can stay in the United States permanently.
What to do When my US Visa Expires?
If your US visa expires, you have the chance to renew it through a similar procedure to the initial US Visa application process. All US visas have a date of issue and a date when they will expire stamped on the passport. It is necessary to renew the US visa only if the expiration date of the visa has passed.
Can I Bring my Children to the US?
Almost all US visas allow parents to bring their children to the United States. The children must be minors though, so under 18 or 21 years old depending on the type of visa the parent has. Adult children are usually not allowed to get visas if their parents get one unless they are unable to take care of themselves and are dependent on their parents.
Can I Bring my Parents to the United States?
Most visas do not allow bringing parents to the United States since they are not considered immediate dependents. However, you must look through the Immediate Relative or Family Based Immigrant Visas which might allow you to sponsor your parents or siblings for an immigrant visa.
Keep in mind, that due to the high costs of healthcare in the United States it is recommended that your parents have the appropriate health insurance coverage for their period of visit in the US.
Can I Enter the US Without a Valid Visa?
Unfortunately, once your visa has expired and is not valid anymore, you will not be allowed to enter the United States. If you try to enter the United States with an expired visa, the Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) will make you return to your home country.
You must get an extension of the visa you have had or apply for a new visa to be allowed to re-enter the United States.
Though the United States Authorities have not made health insurance mandatory for short-term travelers to the country, as a US visa holder, it is highly recommended that every traveler gets travel insurance before their trip to USA.
How Do I Become a US Citizen With a US Visa?
Getting a United States citizenship is a long process. If you have a US nonimmigrant visa, then it is very difficult since you are not allowed to apply directly for the citizenship. You must first get a US immigrant visa. Some US nonimmigrant visas are dual intent ones which means that once you fulfill the requirements you can change your status and get the immigrant visa.
When you have an immigrant visa, then you must maintain it for 5 years to be allowed to apply for a United States citizenship. For details on how to get a US citizenship, visit the article here.
Travelling Abroad as a US Visa Holder
Travelling to Europe
Those who are living in the United States, might need a Schengen visa to travel to Europe. In case you need to apply for a Schengen visa, you should have a Schengen visa travel insurance coverage for your entire stay in Europe.
Click here to learn how to apply for a Schengen Visa from the US.
Travelling to the UK
US visa or Green Card holders who wish to travel to the United Kingdom, will probably have to obtain a UK visa.
Click here for more details about applying for a UK visa from USA.
What is USCIS?
The US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) is the main immigration authority for US visas. They accept and process applications, as well as make decisions about giving petitions from US employers to hire foreign workers.
USCIS issues documents related to visas and keeps detailed records about all immigrants in the United States. USCIS is more relevant for nonimmigrant employment visas as well as all immigrant visa petitions which they process and adjudicate.
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