Topic · Renew american gods ·

According to the audience, American Gods is an incredible show that ought to be renewed until the story is told on screen, and in full. 
Unfortunately, Starz felt they couldn’t handle producing American Gods and decided to cancel the show because of a few critics that have leaned heavily against the show, from the beginning, in the hopes that their efforts would result in the show being cancelled; so far, the critics have won.
Starz has officially announced American Gods will not return for a fourth season. 
Let us tell Starz, and these so called critics that we are not afraid of art even if it offends the critics and frightens the corporate execs. If a show like American Gods is not angering the critics then they’re not doing their jobs. 
Art is meant to make us feel. Sometimes art is meant to make us angry, uncomfortable, sad, scared, happy, offended, but rarely is art purely pleasing. 
If you want art that’s basically pleasing, then by all means turn on Downton Abbey, but keep your creepy gloved hands away from shows like American Gods.  
By Signing this petition you are bringing us one step closer to bringing back American Gods. Please, sign and share this petition. 
And a big hug, and a thank you to all who sign and share this petition.