Top Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) Courses Online – Updated [April 2023]
The primary advantage of Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) is that independent authors have the power to release their print or electronic material when they want. Previously, you had to wait for a publisher to accept your material then schedule it for release. In many cases, this took as long as 18 months to complete. With KDP, authors release material as frequently as they want. Another advantage gets based on the royalties received. With eBooks, authors that add their works via KDP receive as much as 70% of the original price. Promotion is a further plus to KDP. Via Kindle Select. This 90-day program provides tools to help the author promote their book and create countdown sales before and during its initial release. Most of all, when you publish your works through KDP, they are placed on Amazon’s marketplace. Thus, they are part of special promotions that increase sales.