Top 13 Real Estate Express Reviews

Original review: July 30, 2022

Alex ** of Homeway Real Estate, Axel Property Management, and New Door Property Transfer, his title company, have defrauded me out of 10K. They solicited my office regarding a partnership opportunity where we would be compensated 50/50 of all the title deals we sent over while their agency handled the heavy lifting and all the work. This came at a cost of 10K upfront because they would be allocating resources and hiring staff to establish another entity under the partnership as Alex would claim only to realize later what they pitched was a scam.

After 6 months of consistently sending deals over, they have yet to pay me nor have they allocated or hired staff specifically dedicated to us. You eventually realize that you are just sharing their everyday office staff that they use for their own title deals. Not only was the 10K a sham for their reason of needing it but their ability to process title deals for purchases and refinances was incredibly weak. They’re not responsive to title client calls and because of the inexperienced and high staff turnover, they are also incompetent at getting title deals done in general. Then when they do make it to closing because you have to step in and take control of the deal due to their incompetency, they can’t even coordinate with the closer/notary correctly. You’ll have no shows and closers arriving at incorrect times.

If you partner with them and have other real estate agents under you send title to them, trust me your other real estate agents will never want to use them again after the 1st time. To add insult to injury, the owner has yet to pay me in the most deceptive way. After we discussed a specific amount for payment regarding the deals our office sent over, he had never mailed the check even though he verbatim confirmed the check was mailed. When confronted with follow up questions since the check was never received, he eventually just ignored me.

This is the level of professionalism and quality of person/company you’re dealing with when working with Alex **. My advice for anyone looking to partner with a title company, approach a title company that you’re already working with and propose a joint venture. Besides the money you’ll lose upfront and not being compensated, save yourself the hassle of having to work with a new company that you’ve never done business with before only to find out they can’t get the job done on the most basic title deals.