This American Life TV Review

  • Positive Messages


    The series promotes curiosity and empathy by giving viewers an understanding of people from all different walks of life, spotlighting what makes them unique without an air of judgment.

  • Positive Role Models

    a little

    Some of the people featured are positive role models, some aren’t, but there is always something to learn.

  • Sex, Romance & Nudity


    Brief partial nudity. A segment set in an art class shows a full rear shot of a nude female model, including a side view of her breast. Sex and romantic relationships are referenced.

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  • Language

    a lot

    Sporadic usage of “ass,” “hell,” “s–t,” “bitch,” “damn,” and “f–k.” Occasional obscene hand gestures.

    Did you know you can flag iffy content? Adjust limits for Language in your kid’s entertainment guide.

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  • Drinking, Drugs & Smoking


    Mention of drug use and underage drinking. Some subjects drink and smoke in front of the camera.

    Did you know you can flag iffy content? Adjust limits for Drinking, Drugs & Smoking in your kid’s entertainment guide.

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  • Parents Need to Know

    Parents need to know that This American Life is a fascinating, thought-provoking documentary series (based on the NPR mainstay) that covers a wide range of topics and includes interviews with people from virtually all walks of life, making episode content difficult to predict. Depending on the topics — and the participants — alcohol and tobacco use is shown, partial nudity is possible, and language (which is never edited) can be strong. While the content probably isn’t new to teens, it’s definitely on the iffy side for anyone younger. On the positive side, the unscripted stories about everyday lives promote human connectedness and empathy.