These 9 Moves Are All You Need for a Killer Ab Workout at Home

In our continuous pursuit of a visible six-pack, it’s easy to get lost down the rabbit hole of the internet’s ubiquitous ab workouts at home. But MH fitness editor and elite trainer Andrew Tracey has some words of wisdom when it comes to the goal of attaining a chiselled core to be envied.

‘Let’s address the elephant in the room, the vast majority of us aren’t googling ‘six-pack workouts’ in a quest to make our abs bigger, stronger or more functional – we simply want to see them,’ says Tracey, ‘and this is less a case of how we train our abdominal muscles, and more a case of how we reveal them.’

‘We all have the coveted six-pack muscles; they come as standard. 99.9% of the time it’s just that we also have a layer of stored body fat hiding them, meaning that your energy is best directed towards reducing that body fat via sustainable diet and lifestyle changes. With that being said, if you want to optimise your quest for abdominal definition, then attacking it from both the gym and the kitchen is the smartest route.’

So, if you have the kitchen covered, we have just what’s needed in your living room with this ab workout at home. No gym needed.

It’s not all about tagging on a lacklustre ab circuit at the end of your workout, Trainer and Author of ‘Ultimate Abs’, Gareth Sapstead says: ‘In order to grow and build your abdominals, you do need progressive overload, you do need to be making them a priority. So that includes also tracking your numbers and increasing your weight or reps week after week.’

Meaning, save a copy of this ab workout at home and track your progress to see some more midriff definition.

With the help of Greenwich personal trainer Danny Fisher, we’ve sifted through some tried-and-tested moves to find the best abs workout you can do from the comfort of your own home. But if you think that means we’re going to be taking it easy on you, you’re wrong. The workout contains gruelling supersets designed to hit every part of your abs.

Grab a pull up bar and a dumbbell or kettlebell and get started.

The Ultimate Ab Workout at Home

• Spiderman Press-up

• Hanging Leg-raises

• Oblique Crunch

• Sit-up

• Star Plank

• Crunch

• Reverse Crunch

• Side Plank

• Russian Twists