The Way in Which Information is Taught, The Flavour Industry, Austerity Measures Reading Answers |

Answer: D

Question Type: Matching Features

Answer location: Paragraph 5, line 1

Answer explanation: A line in the said paragraph infers that “another style that emphasizes student-centered education is the “facilitator” mode of learning. Here, while a set of specific curriculum demands is already in place, students are encouraged to take the initiative for creating ways to meet these learning requirements together.” Student-centered education is the “facilitator” mode of learning where the emphasis is on the process of solving problems together, by encouraging students to take initiative for creating ways (process) to meet these learning requirements.


Answer: A

Question Type: Matching Features

Answer location: Paragraph 2, line 1

Answer explanation: If you read thoroughly, there’s a line that claims, ” A student’s participation in class is likely to be minimal, aside from asking questions directed at the teacher, or responding to questions that the teacher has directed at the student.” This line refers towards the formal style of teaching where the student-teacher relationship is only limited to minimal interaction (students are expected to adjust to the teacher’s way of presenting the information by directly raising questions and responding to questions asked by teachers).


Answer: D

Question Type: Matching Features

Answer location: Paragraph 5, line 4

Answer explanation: Paragraph 5 puts forward the information that “take the initiative for creating ways to meet these learning requirements together. The teacher typically designs activities that encourage active learning, group collaboration, and problem-solving, and students are encouraged to process and apply the course content in creative.” The teaching techniques that are discussed in these lines refer towards the facilitator style of teaching where the teacher encourages active learning by designing group activities (creating ways to meet these learning requirements together) that encourage constructive interaction.


Answer: B

Question Type: Matching Features

Answer location: Paragraph 3, last line

Answer explanation: The answer is clearly mentioned in the said paragraph and line. In the passage, it is said that “instructors who are drawn to the demonstrator style are generally confident that their own way of performing a task represents a good base model, but they are sensitive to different learning styles and expect to provide students with help on an individual basis.” In demonstrator style, time is set aside for one-on-one instruction between teacher and student (provide students with help on an individual basis).


Answer: C

Question Type: Matching Features

Answer location: Paragraph 4, line 5

Answer explanation: In the said paragraph, refer that, “the delegator teacher maintains general authority, but they delegate much of the responsibility for learning to the class as a way for students to become independent thinkers who take pride in their own work. Students are often encouraged to work on their own or in groups, and if the delegator style is implemented successfully, they will build not only a working knowledge of course-specific topics but also self-discipline and the ability to coordinate group work and interpersonal roles.” This line puts forward the characteristics of the delegation teaching method, which encourages students to work on their own (encourage to work on their own or in groups).


Answer: FALSE

Question Type: True/False/Not Given Questions

Answer location: Paragraph 6, line 3

Answer explanation: In the said paragraph, you can refer to, “until the 1960s, formal authority was common in almost all Western schools and universities.” The formal authority was common until 1960s in educational institutions of the Western school and universities, but not anymore. Hence, the statement contradicts the information given in the passage.


Answer: FALSE

Question Type: True/False/Not Given Questions

Answer location: Paragraph 6, last line

Answer explanation: A line in the said paragraph infers that “at the highest levels of education, however, the demonstrator approach must be abandoned in all fields as students are required to produce innovative work that makes unique contributions to knowledge. Thesis and doctoral students lead their own research in facilitation.” Since it is given that the demonstrator approach must be abandoned in all fields, we can deduce that the demonstrator model is currently in use in all fields (may include tertiary level).


Answer: TRUE

Question Type: True/False/Not Given Questions

Answer location: Paragraph 7, line 1

Answer explanation: The opening line of paragraph 7 suggests that “the delegator style is valuable when the course is likely to lead students to careers that require group projects. Often, someone who has a high level of expertise in a particular field does not make for the best employee because they have not learned to apply their abilities in a coordinated manner. The delegator style confronts this problem by recognizing that interpersonal communication is not just a means of learning but an important skillset in itself.” In the delegator style, students are experts in their fields because they learn to apply their abilities in a coordinated manner. Hence, we can infer that graduates of delegator-style teaching are good communicators because they can coordinate well.


Answer: FALSE

Question Type: True/False/Not Given Questions

Answer location: Paragraph 8, line 4

Answer explanation: In the said paragraph, you can point out that “the facilitator model is probably the most creative and is, therefore, not suited to subjects where the practical component necessitates a careful and highly disciplined manner, such as training to be a medical practitioner.” Though the facilitator model is considered most creative, it is not regarded in a field where the practical component is necessary such as medicine (medical practitioner).


Answer: A

Question Type: Multiple Choice Questions

Answer location: Complete passage

Answer explanation: Various teaching styles such as facilitator, formal authority, delegator, and demonstrator are discussed in the passage along with their characteristics. Hence, the most appropriate teaching style would be teaching styles and their applications.

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Answer: E

Question Type: Matching Information

Answer location: Paragraph E, line 1

Answer explanation: Paragraph E puts forward the information that “here, firms such as International Flavors & Fragrances, Harmen & Keimer, Flavor Dynamics, Frutarom and Elan Chemical isolate and manufacture the tastes that are incorporated in much of what we eat and drink. ” A certain set of factories and plants for example the Flavors & Fragrances, Harmen & Keimer, Flavor Dynamics, Frutarom and Elan Chemical is said to create natural flavours.


Answer: B

Question Type: Matching Information

Answer location: Paragraph B, last line

Answer explanation: A line in the said paragraph infers that “as extensive recognition of the matter grew amongst the common people, McDonald’s stopped cooking their French fries in a mixture of cottonseed oil and beef tallow, and in 1990, the restaurant chain began using 100% vegetable oil instead.” McDonald’s stopped cooking their French fries in a mixture of cottonseed oil and beef tallow is one of the instances in which the multinational franchise responded to public pressure.


Answer: G

Question Type: Matching Information

Answer location: Paragraph G, line 3

Answer explanation: The answer is clearly mentioned in the said paragraph and line. You must note the paraphrasing here. In the passage, it is said that “the natural flavor on its own is not a health risk. It does play a role, however, in helping these processed foods to taste fresh and nutritious, even when they are not. So, while the natural flavor industry should not be considered the culprit, we might think of it as a willing accomplice.” A statement in paragraph G claims the health effects of natural flavors where it mentions that natural flavor on its own is not a health risk.


Answer: C

Question Type: Matching Information

Answer location: Paragraph C, line 1

Answer explanation: You can note the paraphrasing here. In the passage, it states that “this substantially lowered the amount of cholesterol in McDonald’s’ fries, but it created a new dilemma. The beef tallow and cottonseed oil mixture gave the French fries high cholesterol content, but it also gifted them with a rich aroma and “mouth-feel” that even James Beard, an American food critic, admitted he enjoyed. Pure vegetable oil is bland in comparison. “ When restaurant chains such as McDonald’s began using 100% vegetable oil, it created a problem, of taste. Hence, this instance is an example of a solution turning into a problem.


Answer: A

Question Type: Matching Information

Answer location: Paragraph A, line 1

Answer explanation: If you read thoroughly, there’s a line in the said paragraph that describes “read through the nutritional information on the food in your freezer, refrigerator or kitchen pantry, and you are likely to find a simple, innocuous-looking ingredient recurring on a number of products: “natural flavour”.” The term recurring means occurring again periodically or repeatedly. Hence, a place where people can encounter the frequent use of the term natural flavour is the food ingredient list (Kitchen).


Answer: D

Question Type: Matching Information

Answer location: Paragraph D, line 2

Answer explanation: A line in the given paragraph suggests that “sometimes, the processing involves adding a little sodium or sugar, and a few preservatives. Often, however, it is coloured, bleached, stabilized, emulsified, dehydrated, odour-concealed, and sweetened. This process typically saps any original flavour out of the product, and so, of course, flavour must be added back in as well.”  From this information, we can infer the details about the transformation that takes place in processed grocery items.


Answer: F

Question Type: Matching Information

Answer location: Paragraph F, line 2

Answer explanation: The author in the said paragraph puts forward the information that “part of it is dense, intricate chemistry: spectrometers, gas chromatographs, and headspace-vapor analyzers can break down components of a flavour in amounts as minute as one part per billion. Not to be outdone, however, the human nose can isolate aromas down to three parts per trillion.” Technological abilities such as intricate chemistry: spectrometers, gas chromatographs, and headspace-vapor analyzers can break down components of a flavour however, human abilities ( such as the human nose) can isolate aromas down to three parts per trillion.


Answer: B

Question Type: Matching Information

Answer location: Paragraph B, line 1

Answer explanation: According to the information shared in paragraph B nutritionists have largely blamed diet habits for health-related conditions. One of the examples of diet-related health conditions is where “nutritionists blamed cholesterol for contributing to the growing rates of obesity, heart disease, diabetes, and several cancers in Western.”


Answer: TRUE

Question Type: True/False/Not Given Questions

Answer location: Paragraph C, line 3

Answer explanation: In the said paragraph, you can find the reference that vegetable oils do not have a strong flavor where it is said that “pure vegetable oil is bland in comparison.”



Question Type: True/False/Not Given Questions

Answer location: Paragraph C, last line

Answer explanation: In paragraph C it is mentioned that “aside from a few preservatives, there are essentially three main ingredients: potato, soybean oil, and the mysterious component of “natural flavour.” From the information given, we cannot infer if soybean oil is lower in cholesterol than cottonseed oil.


Answer: TRUE

Question Type: True/False/Not Given Questions

Answer location: Paragraph D, line 1

Answer explanation: The opening line of paragraph D suggests that “natural flavour also entered our diet through the rise in processed foods, which now make up over 90% (and growing) of the American diet, as well as representing a burgeoning industry in developing countries such as China and India.” The rise of processed food (make up over 90% (and growing)) is becoming popular in some Asian countries (China and India).


Answer: TRUE

Question Type: True/False/Not Given Questions

Answer location: Paragraph D, line 5

Answer explanation: In the reference paragraph, it is given that “this process typically saps any original flavour out of the product, and so, of course, flavour must be” Hence, we can infer that while the items are being processed, all of the natural flavour is washed away, and some artificial flavours are reintroduced.


Answer: D

Question Type: Multiple Choice Questions

Answer location: Paragraph G, 2nd last line

Answer explanation: A line in the said paragraph states that “it does play a role, however, in helping these processed foods to taste fresh and nutritious, even when they are not.” Also, from the information that is shared in the complete passage, we can infer that according to the author natural flavours can make unhealthy food (high in cholesterol and many more) tastes better.

Austerity Measures Reading Answers (Passage 3)


Answer: taxes

Question Type: Summary Completion

Answer location: Paragraph A, line 1

Answer explanation: The answer is clearly mentioned in the said paragraph and line. You must note the paraphrasing here. In the passage, it is said that “austerity measures are actions that a state undertakes in order to pay back its creditors. These measures typically involve slashing government expenditure and hiking taxes, and most of the time, these are imposed on a country when its national deficit is believed to have become unsustainable.” A government can undertake austerity measures by cutting (slashing) spending and/or raising (hiking) taxes.


Answer: interest rate

Question Type: Summary Completion

Answer location: Paragraph A, line 3

Answer explanation: A line in the given paragraph suggests that “in this situation, banks may lose trust in the government’s ability or willingness to repay existing debts, and in return can refuse to roll over current loans and demand cripplingly excessive interest rates on new lending.” Since banks are doubting the ability of the government to settle their debts, they are asking for high-interest rates.


Answer: budget deficit

Question Type: Summary Completion

Answer location: Paragraph A, last line

Answer explanation: In the passage, it states that “in return, the IMF typically demands austerity measures so that the indebted country is able to curtail its budget deficit and fulfil their loan obligations.” One of the conditions of IMF loans is that recipient countries undergo austerity measures to reduce (curtail) their budget deficit.


Answer: Asian currencies/ economies

Question Type: Summary Completion

Answer location: Paragraph C, line 4

Answer explanation: A line in the given paragraph suggests that “when things started to turn sour, however, the foreign investors panicked and retracted their investments in masses decimating Asian currencies and turning millions of employees out of work.” Foreign investors are panicking and withdrawing their funds in large numbers. The value of Asian currencies has fallen, leaving millions of people out of employment. The International Monetary Fund  weakening Asian currencies has resulted in relocation of millions of people.


Answer: Labour standards

Question Type: Summary Completion

Answer location: Paragraph C, 2nd last line

Answer explanation: In the said paragraph, you can find out that “the IMF’s role in the recovery was to impose austerity measures that kept interest rates high while driving down wages and the labour standards at a time when workers were already suffering. According to one former IMF economist, these interventions on a global scale have caused the deaths of 6 million children every year.” The IMF’s role in the recovery was to impose austerity measures that lower wages and labour standards at a time when workers were already under pressure. These global endeavors, according to a former IMF economist, resulting in the deaths of 6 million newborns each year.


Answer: B (B, C, D, F: in any order)

Question Type: Multiple Choice Questions

Answer location: Paragraph B, line 2

Answer explanation: Few lines in the said paragraph discuss that “the Greek program attempts to narrow its budget shortfall from 8.1 percent of GDP in 2010 to 2.6 percent of GDP in 2014 primarily by freezing public sector incomes during that period and reducing public sector allowances by 8 percent.” One of the features of the Greek government’s austerity measure program in 2010 is reducing public sector allowances.


Answer: C (B, C, D, F: in any order)

Question Type: Multiple Choice Questions

Answer location: Paragraph B, line 3

Answer explanation: Another feature of the Greek government’s austerity measure program in 2010 is reducing public sector allowances is where it is mentioned that “the Greek sales tax – will be elevated to 23 percent, and excises on fuel, tobacco, and alcohol arc also subject to an increase.” Here, the taxes are getting elevated by 23 percent means sales taxes are rising. 


Answer: D (B, C, D, F: in any order)

Question Type: Multiple Choice Questions

Answer location: Paragraph B, 2nd last line

Answer explanation: In the said paragraph, you can find out that “the statutory retirement age for women will be raised to 65, matching it with the current retirement age for men.” One of the aims of the Greek government’s austerity measure program is to make the retirement age of women the same as men.


Answer: F (B, C, D, F: in any order)

Question Type: Multiple Choice Questions

Answer location: Paragraph B, line 3

Answer explanation: Few lines in the said paragraph discuss that “VAT – the Greek sales tax – will be elevated to 23 per cent, and excises on fuel, tobacco, and alcohol are also subject to an increase.” This program also aims to make fuel, tobacco (cigarettes), and alcohol expensive.


Answer: C

Question Type: Matching Features

Answer location: Paragraph D, line 2

Answer explanation: John Maynard Keynes was “the first to propose an alternative method, long before the Asian financial crisis. Governments, he attempted to demonstrate, could conceivably spend their national economy out of debt.” He was the first person who attempted to demonstrate that governments could get out of debt through spending.


Answer: E

Question Type: Matching Features

Answer location: Paragraph F, line 1

Answer explanation: Paragraph F puts forward the information that “in the United Kingdom, Prime Minister David Cameron defended the necessity of austerity measures for his country by denouncing the frivolity of governments that ratchet up spending at a time the economy is contracting.” Prime Minister David Cameron of the United Kingdom justified the country’s need for austerity measures by criticizing governments that boost spending while the economy is in decline.


Answer: D

Question Type: Matching Features

Answer location: Paragraph F, 2nd last line

Answer explanation: In the said paragraph, you can find out that Marshall Auerback, “questions this line of thinking, wondering if Cameron suggests governments should only “ratchet up spending when the economy is growing”. This Auerback warns, should be avoided because it presents genuine inflationary dangers.” David suggests that governments should only ratchet up expenditure when the economy is expanding. However, according to Auerback, this should be avoided since it poses real inflationary risks.


Answer: A

Question Type: Matching Features

Answer location: Paragraph E, line 1

Answer explanation: The opening line of paragraph E suggests that “Nobel Prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz follows up on this approach by noting that households across the world are currently burdened with debt. For businesses to grow, he argues, government and consumer expenditure must kick in first. Austerity measures lower the spending capacity of households, and are, therefore, considered under-productive. ” He believes that in order for businesses to succeed, government and consumer expenditure must spend more (expenditure must kick in first).


Answer: B

Question Type: Matching Features

Answer location: Paragraph E, line 4

Answer explanation: Few lines in the said paragraph discuss that “another recipient of the Nobel Prize, Paul Krugman points to the recent experiences of countries such as Ireland, Latvia, and Estonia. Countries that implement austerity are the “good soldiers” of the crisis, he notes, implementing savage spending cuts.” He claims that countries that embrace austerity are experiencing a crisis (austerity measures have caused some economies to decline).