The Flow of English – The Mimic Method

The Most Affordable English Training on the Web

The Flow of English is dirt cheap compared to alternative that offer not even half of the value.

You could hire a private English tutor to meet with you in person. That will run you at least $20 an hour, and as much as $50 an hour if you want anyone who knows anything about English! Never mind that you’ll have to mull over what you’ve learned in your sessions and then try it again later.

Given my expertise, I could easily charge over $100 an hour training high level executive in English and the my other five languages, but I was never interested in that.

I created my system so that I would be able to train as many people as possible in a way that was convenient for both of us. The profit motive has always been secondary to my vision to change the way the world thinks about language.

There’s no need to use hundreds of dollars a month for private tutoring – because I’ve set the price at as low as I can. Plus, you will receive any and all future updates to the program for free, forever.

That’s right, this isn’t a subscription. It’s a once-off flat fee that gives you access to any and all future updates that we make to The Flow of English.

Is This Really For Me?

I get it – you’re not sure if The Flow of English is going to help you.

Because The Flow of English has worked for many people, rather than tell you who it is for, let me tell you who it is not for. If one of the below is NOT you – then The Flow of English will work for you. I’ll tell you who The Flow of English is NOT for:

Someone who is convinced that English pronunciation is NOT that important

I have met a few people who resist the idea that mastering pronunciation is the most fundamental step to mastering a foreign language. These are people who have convinced themselves that they are “tone deaf” and thus had to solidify themselves into language learning myths of “visual learning.”

What these people don’t realize is that the reason they struggle with pronunciation is NOT because they are tone deaf; it’s because they never had proper training. The Flow of English would give them what they need, but if you are too stuck in your ways you will never find that out.

Someone who is not willing to work through a challenge

As I’ve mentioned before, Flow Training requires a lot of mental energy and focus. It’s like weight training for the ear, brain and mouth. Every human being is capable of lifting weights and increasing weight as their muscles grow, but only some people are willing to put in the work.  

If you are still searching for the non-existent “easy path” to English, this course is not for you.

Someone who refuses to accept that they are NOT actually Tone Deaf

Tone deafness is a pathological condition that only affects 1% of the population. Funny enough, over 60% of people self-report themselves as “tone deaf” in surveys.

Tone deafness means you are physiologically incapable of processing certain nuances of sound. The 60% of people who claim to be tone deaf are really just saying that because they haven’t trained their voices to sing. That’s like saying “I am genetically incapable of riding a bicycle” after only trying a few times and falling.

If you refuse to accept the fact that you CAN master English pronunciation with hard work and proper training, then then this course is not for you.  

Someone who is simply unsure if this is for them

We love all our customers, but it goes both ways – we want our customers to enjoy and use their training too. If you are unsure about The Flow of English, please don’t buy it yet.

Someone Looking for a vocabulary and grammar course

Just to be clear, you do not learn any vocabulary or grammar in this course. You can easily find that anywhere else on the web. In the Flow of English we focus on the essential skill that you won’t get anywhere else – the ability to hear, correctly pronounce and mimic native English speakers.