The Best Radar Detectors on Amazon of 2023

Radenso Pro M

This premium detector is small but mighty. In fact, all of the Radenso units we tried provided outstanding false alarm filtering and excellent detection with plenty of warning. This unit was so effective at ignoring false alarms that we sometimes questioned whether it was working at all. It was, but it’s just great at ignoring those stray signals and other radar sources that freak out other units, and it does it without having to play with buttons all the time. Just stick it on the windshield and go. AutoCity mode knows when you’re in-town and keeps quiet. You can manually select Highway or City modes, as well.

Detection was just about as early and reliable as the longest-range standouts in the test, and it also has smart GPS features. You’d expect to be able to mark locations that set off false alert filtering, and you can, but the Pro M also keeps quiet if it detects you’re traveling below the speed limit. Voice alerts and multiple threat tracking provide important information in an easy fashion, and this detector turned out to be the strong, mostly-silent type. It’s great right out of the box, and there are lots of fine-tuning you can do to make it perform most effectively for you. We did miss the directional arrows and more graphical displays of some of the other units, at least at first, but you’ll spend hundreds more to get the eye candy without any attendant increase in performance. The Radenso Pro M works like a charm when it’s important, and stays out of the way with its small size and outstanding filtering.