The American Eskimo Dog

The American Eskimo dog already has you fooled; the name has no roots in Eskimo culture. Actually, he’s a descendent of the European Spitz dogs: white German Spitz, the white Keeshond, the white Pomeranian and the white Italian Spitz.

In America, throughout the 19th century, Eskies were performers, often travelling around in circus routines. Now, American Eskimo dogs come in three sizes; toy, miniature, and standard.

The American Eskimo Dog was recognized by the American Kennel Club in 1994.

Sizing up

  • Weight: Toy — 7 to 10 lbs. Miniature — 11 to 20 lbs. Standard — 20 to 40 lbs.
  • Height: Toy — 9 to 12 inches; Miniature — 13 to 15 inches; Standard — 16 to 19 inches
  • Coat: Thick, double coat with a dense undercoat — topped with a harsh outer coat
  • Color: White, sometimes with cream markings
  • Life expectancy: 12 to 15 years

What’s the American Eskimo dog like?
The American Eskimo is energetic, inquisitive and serious about his people-loving. He’s devoted to his family and needs their attention. Activities he would enjoy range from jogging to curling up on the family couch. He’s great with children, but his tolerance may reach its limit around aggressive toddlers.

Like any other dog, the Eskie needs firm and consistent training as soon as you bring him home. Always use positive reinforcement when he’s done something correctly, treats are always a great reward!

Grooming an Eskie isn’t as extensive as you may think by looking at him. To keep his coat looking beautiful brushing and/or combing will be required about twice a week to remove dead hair or any mats. His white coat should be washed as needed.

American Eskimo Dogs usually match strong spirits with strong health, but the following conditions are worth being aware of:

Skin allergies
Pyruvate Kinase Deficiency (PKD)

Takeaway points

  • The American Eskimo, who’s very alert in nature, is a great watchdog.
  • The American Eskimo would be a great addition to a family with older children.
  • The American Eskimo is not suitable for someone who spends a lot of time away from the home.

If you have any questions or concerns, you should always visit or call your veterinarian — they are your best resource to ensure the health and well-being of your pets.