The Advantage Of Sani Compare With Other Competitor Is They Always Take The – BPMN6023 | Course Hero


wait the customer. If the customer does not take a Sani bus, Sani Express

will help the customer to sell the ticket to other person.

To maintain their image, Sani Express will never to give their

customer to another bus transportation company if the trip is has only one

customer. In this situation, Sani will continue the trip because Sani believe

that they will get the customer when the bus back to Shahab Perdana. Or

Sani will change the schedule of trip. For example, if the trip starts at 1 pm

so Sani will change to trip at 2 pm. It is because based on experience, Sani

transfer their customer to their company but the customer does not reach

to their destination. Compare with their competitors like Mara Liner while

they not continue their trip if the customer is only one.

Other advantage is condition of buses. The Bus of Sani is very

comfortable and their space is also wide. Compare with their competitor

like Transnasional while their space somewhat is narrow. The buses also

have the best security system while the buses have a seat belt to make sure

the safety of the customer. Only Sani offer the buses with seat belt to their

customer. Sani also use a new technology in their bus. For example, Sani

use automatic change the gear, anti-lock braking system and so on.


Marketing – promotion

The strength of Sani Express not only in customer service but they have

other strength to maintain their business. The promotion is also help Sani