Tech Talks – Apple Developer

Explore how you can create best-in-class apps and learn more about the latest updates to Apple APIs and technologies. Connect with Apple experts in over 100 live online sessions and over 1,500 available office hour appointments. Dive into technical content, get your questions answered, and request a meeting for one-on-one guidance.

Our live sessions can help you integrate the latest technologies into your apps, learn techniques and best practices, and get your questions answered in a group setting. Register now to learn about advancements in machine learning, SwiftUI, and more. Sessions have limited capacity so that we can best answer your questions. Select sessions are available in Brazilian Portuguese, Japanese, Korean, Mandarin, and Spanish.

Meet with Apple experts for one-on-one 30-minute conversations about Apple technologies, design, coding, app review, business and marketing, and App Store Connect. We’ll help you improve your app, refine its design, resolve issues, and better understand guidelines and tools. Appointments are available in local time and language for Japan and Korea, and in local time for several regions.

Register for sessions and submit office hour requests today. We’ll post new sessions and office hours every two weeks (November 1, 15, and 29) on the web and in the Apple Developer app.

Stay connected

You’ll receive schedule updates if you’ve opted in to developer emails and push notifications.

  • To enable email notifications, sign in to your developer account, open the top-right menu, and click Email Settings.
  • To enable push notifications, visit the Account tab in the Apple Developer app.

Tech Talks Digests
Published with every schedule update, these digests highlight key sessions and help you get the most out of this exciting event.

November 29 digest
November 15 digest
November 1 digest
October 20 digest