Teamwork/collaboration | University of Strathclyde
Do I have this skill?
You’ll need to be able to prove to employers that you actually have the skills they want for the job.
In applications and interviews, they will ask ‘competency’ questions that begin with phrases such as, ‘tell me a time when… ‘ or ‘give me an example of…’ Your answers are the evidence that you have what it takes.
To find out how well developed your skills are already you could try this simple exercise:
Rate yourself on each of the behaviours:
- 1 = I do this very well. I am consistent and successful in it
- 2 = I am good at this. With some practice I can make it perfect
- 3 = I am getting better, but still need to work on this a bit more
- 4 = I am not particularly good at this, yet
Revisit this exercise several times through your years of study. You’ll want to have as many skills as possible at 1 and 2 before you apply for graduate jobs.
Think about the life situations you’ve been in – university, work, leisure, travel, social. Identify incidents and examples from them that show that you have already used the skill.