Tap chi Y Hoc Thanh Pho Ho Chi Minh
The description descriptation, the status, implementation of childing with
parent mother in the Products of the European Institute of European European
2017. Specify the relationship relationship between the comment, the status,
the implementation of the parent with the care of the care of the care of the
Parent of the European 2017.
Crosscut description description for parsing.
Results for the relationship found with the current action with milk mother
Knowledge of breastfeeding: knowledge of the highest percentage of knowledge
about the first milk is 100% colostrum, the benefits of colostrum 100%, the
benefit of breastfeeding 100%, the time Maintaining a milk supply of 90.6%,
benefits for mother in breastfeeding was 88.6%, breastfeeding when weaning
accounted for 86.9%, the lowest known restrictions of formula milk accounted
for 23.7%.
Breastfeeding: The
highest proportion of consent for early initiation of breastfeeding was as
early as possible, accounting for 94%, exclusive breastfeeding was 94%,
breastfeeding was 90.8% 4% to 6 months of exclusive breastfeeding, 88% consent
to breastfeeding counseling, 86% for breastfeeding and 86%, do not agree to
give milk to drink water after each feed accounted for 86.5%, not agree to feed
milk formula for several days to breast milk accounted for 86.3%. Attitude and
practice of breastfeeding were statistically significant (p < 0.05).
Key word: Grow kids by mom milk.