Swim Guide
Nội Dung Chính
Water Quality Legend
Current Status
Green means the beach’s most recent test results met relevant water quality standards.
Red means the beach’s most recent test results failed to meet water quality standards.
Grey means water quality information for the beach is too old (more than 7 days old) to be considered current, or that info is unavailable, or unreliable.
Historical Status
When swimming season is over or when a beach’s water quality data has not been updated frequently enough (weekly) it goes into historical status. This means that rather than displaying current data it displays the beach’s average water quality for that year.
Green means the beach passed water quality tests 95% of the time or more.
Yellow means the beach passed water quality tests 60-95% of the time.
Red means the beach failed water quality tests 40% of the time or more.
Special Status
We may manually set the status for a specific beach if we have concerns about the sampling protocol, if there is an emergency, if monitoring practices don’t exist or have recently changed, or other reasons that render this site “special.”
This means that this site has been issued a Blue Flag status for the current swimming season. This status does not indicate current water quality.
Red means the water at the site has water quality issues or there is an emergency.
Grey means there is no current water quality information, the beach is under construction, there has been an event that has rendered water quality information unreliable or unavailable.