Surprised in Spanish | English to Spanish Translation – SpanishDict


[+look, expression, smile]

de sorpresa

you get a few surprised looks now and then

I burst out laughing at the surprised looks of the onlookers

“I didn’t know,” she said with a surprised smile

to be surprised

he was surprised to hear that …

se sorprendió or quedó sorprendido al enterarse de que …;

I was rather surprised to see Martin there

me sorprendió bastante ver a Martin allí;

me quedé bastante sorprendido al ver a Martin allí;

they were surprised that she hadn’t told them about her new job

se sorprendieron de que no les hubiera dicho nada de su nuevo trabajo

I was surprised at his ignorance

me sorprendió su ignorancia;

me quedé sorprendido de lo ignorante que era

I’m surprised at you!

¡me sorprendes!

he was surprised how good the food tasted

se sorprendió de lo buena que estaba la comida;

se quedó sorprendido de lo buena que estaba la comida

you’d be surprised how many people have difficulty reading

te sorprenderías de la cantidad de gente que tiene problemas para leer;

te quedarías sorprendido si supieras la cantidad de gente que tiene problemas para leer

you’d be surprised how many people we saw

we were very surprised when a policeman called round

don’t be surprised if he doesn’t recognize you

no te sorprendas si no te reconoce

I wouldn’t be surprised if he won

no me sorprendería que ganara

we weren’t surprised that she had done so well