Step 1: Create your first S3 bucket – Amazon Simple Storage Service

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon S3 console at

  2. In the left navigation pane, choose Buckets.

  3. Choose Create bucket.

    The Create bucket page opens.

  4. For Bucket name, enter a name for your bucket.

    The bucket name must:

    • Be unique within a partition. A partition is a grouping of Regions. AWS
      currently has three partitions: aws (Standard Regions),
      aws-cn (China Regions), and aws-us-gov (AWS
      GovCloud [US] Regions).

    • Be between 3 and 63 characters long.

    • Consist only of lowercase letters, numbers, dots (.), and hyphens (-). For
      best compatibility, we recommend that you avoid using dots (.) in bucket names,
      except for buckets that are used only for static website hosting.

    • Begin and end with a letter or number.

    After you create the bucket, you cannot change its name. For more information about
    naming buckets, see Bucket naming rules.


    Avoid including sensitive information, such as account numbers, in the bucket
    name. The bucket name is visible in the URLs that point to the objects in the

  5. For Region, choose the AWS Region where you want the bucket to

    To minimize latency and costs and address regulatory requirements, choose a Region
    close to you. Objects stored in a Region never leave that Region unless you explicitly
    transfer them to another Region. For a list of Amazon S3 AWS Regions, see AWS service endpoints in the
    Amazon Web Services General Reference.

  6. Under Object Ownership, to disable or enable ACLs and control
    ownership of objects uploaded in your bucket, choose one of the following

    ACLs disabled
    • Bucket owner enforced – ACLs are disabled, and the
      bucket owner automatically owns and has full control over every object in the
      bucket. ACLs no longer affect access permissions to data in the S3 bucket. The
      bucket uses policies to define access control.

      To require that all new buckets are created with ACLs disabled by using
      AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) or AWS Organizations policies, see Disabling ACLs
      for all new buckets (bucket owner enforced).

    ACLs enabled
    • Bucket owner preferred – The bucket owner owns and
      has full control over new objects that other accounts write to the bucket with
      the bucket-owner-full-control canned ACL.

      If you apply the bucket owner preferred setting, to require all Amazon S3 uploads
      to include the bucket-owner-full-control canned ACL, you can add a bucket policy
      that allows only object uploads that use this ACL.

    • Object writer – The AWS account that uploads an
      object owns the object, has full control over it, and can grant other users
      access to it through ACLs.


    To apply the Bucket owner enforced setting or the
    Bucket owner preferred setting, you must have permission to
    use the following actions: s3:CreateBucket and

  7. Under Block Public Access settings for this bucket, choose the
    Block Public Access settings that you want to apply to the bucket.

    We recommend that you keep all settings enabled unless you know that you need to turn
    off one or more of them for your use case, such as to host a public website. The Block
    Public Access settings that you enable for the bucket are also enabled for all access points
    that you create on the bucket. For more information about blocking public access, see
    Blocking public access to your Amazon S3

  8. (Optional) Under Bucket Versioning, you can choose if you wish to keep
    variants of objects in your bucket. For more information about versioning,
    see Using versioning in S3 buckets.

    To disable or enable versioning on your
    bucket, choose either Disable or Enable.

  9. (Optional) Under Tags, you can choose to add tags to your bucket.
    Tags are key-value pairs used to categorize storage.

    To add a bucket tag, enter a Key and optionally a
    Value and choose Add Tag.

  10. Under Default encryption, choose

  11. To configure default encryption, under Encryption key type,
    choose one of the following:

    • Amazon S3 managed key (SSE-S3)

    • AWS Key Management Service key (SSE-KMS)


      If you use the SSE-KMS option for your default encryption configuration, you are
      subject to the requests per second (RPS) quota of AWS KMS. For more information
      about AWS KMS quotas and how to request a quota increase, see Quotas in the AWS Key Management Service Developer Guide.

    Buckets and new objects are encrypted with server-side encryption with an Amazon S3 managed key as the base level of encryption configuration. For more
    information about default encryption, see Setting default server-side encryption behavior for Amazon S3

    For more information about using Amazon S3 server-side encryption to encrypt your data,
    see Protecting data using server-side encryption with Amazon S3
    managed encryption keys (SSE-S3).

  12. If you chose AWS Key Management Service key (SSE-KMS), do the following:

    1. Under AWS KMS key, specify your KMS key in one of the following ways:

      • To choose from a list of available KMS keys, choose Choose from
        your AWS KMS keys
        , and choose your
        KMS key from the list of available keys.

        Both the AWS managed key (aws/s3) and your customer managed keys appear in this
        list. For more information about customer managed keys, see Customer keys and
        AWS keys in the AWS Key Management Service Developer Guide.

      • To enter the KMS key ARN, choose Enter AWS KMS key
        , and enter your KMS key ARN in the field that appears.

      • To create a new customer managed key in the AWS KMS console, choose Create a
        KMS key

        For more information about creating an AWS KMS key, see Creating keys in the AWS Key Management Service Developer Guide.


      You can use only KMS keys that are available in the same AWS Region as the
      bucket. The Amazon S3 console lists only the first 100 KMS keys in the same Region as the bucket.
      To use a KMS key that is not listed, you must enter your KMS key ARN. If you want to use
      a KMS key that is owned by a different account, you must first have permission to use the
      key and then you must enter the KMS key ARN. For more information on cross account permissions for KMS keys, see Creating KMS keys that other accounts can use in the AWS Key Management Service Developer Guide. For more information on SSE-KMS, see Specifying server-side encryption with AWS KMS

      When you use an AWS KMS key for server-side encryption in Amazon S3, you must
      choose a symmetric encryption KMS key. Amazon S3 supports only symmetric encryption KMS keys and not
      asymmetric KMS keys. For more information, see Identifying symmetric and
      asymmetric KMS keys in the AWS Key Management Service Developer Guide.

      For more information about creating an AWS KMS key, see Creating keys in the
      AWS Key Management Service Developer Guide. For more information about using AWS KMS with
      Amazon S3, see Protecting data using server-side encryption with
      AWS Key Management Service keys (SSE-KMS).

    2. When you configure your bucket to use default encryption with SSE-KMS, you can also
      enable S3 Bucket Keys. S3 Bucket Keys lower the cost of encryption by decreasing request traffic from
      Amazon S3 to AWS KMS. For more information, see Reducing the cost of SSE-KMS with Amazon S3 Bucket Keys.

      To use S3 Bucket Keys, under Bucket Key, choose

  13. (Optional) If you want to enable S3 Object Lock, do the

    1. Choose Advanced settings.


      You can only enable Object Lock for a bucket when you create it, and you
      cannot disable it later. Enabling Object Lock also enables versioning for
      the bucket. After enabling you must configure the Object Lock default
      retention and legal hold settings to protect new objects from being deleted
      or overwritten.

    2. If you want to enable Object Lock, choose
      Enable, read the warning that appears, and acknowledge it.

    For more information, see Using S3 Object Lock.


    To create an Object Lock enabled bucket, you must have the following permissions: s3:CreateBucket, s3:PutBucketVersioning and s3:PutBucketObjectLockConfiguration.

  14. Choose Create bucket.