Stay at Home in Wilton – Supporting a Vibrant Senior Community
Stay at Home in Wilton: Providing more than just rides for our seniors
On average, 600,000 older adults stop driving each year. Lack of transportation for these seniors makes it harder to schedule doctor’s appointments, shop for groceries, visit family and friends, and attend religious and social events. Without these connections, seniors can become isolated, which can negatively affect their health and well-being. Since family and friends cannot always be there to help, for over twelve years Stay at Home in Wilton has provided this important benefit to its members.
As the demand for rides increased due to a 10% increase in membership in 2022, along with a need to expand the number of volunteer drivers, Stay at Home in Wilton looked at how they could make scheduling rides easier for both members and volunteer drivers. In August, the organization went live with Assisted Rides, an online scheduling tool which helps automate the process. Once members call in requests, instead of launching endless phone calls, emails, and text messages to match rides with volunteer drivers, volunteer drivers simply log in to the program to view several weeks of scheduled rides, and can then pick the ones that work best with their schedules. Once a ride is selected, they then call the member to confirm the details.
While the town offers transportation through Dial-a-Ride, the services provided by Stay at Home in Wilton pick up where the town leaves off by offering more of a concierge service so drivers only take one passenger at a time and stay with them for the duration of their appointments or activity, after which they drive them home. In addition, the hours and scope of the service is broader.
But this service provides more than just convenience. Drivers and members form a special bond that is mutually beneficial. One of Stay at Home in Wilton’s newest drivers, Robin Lynch, says it best: “Driving for Stay at Home in Wilton has been incredibly gratifying in many ways. The Assisted Rides website makes it simple to choose a ride that fits my schedule.” She continues, “My passengers are always grateful and friendly, and the conversation flows. I may only drive two trips a week, but the rewards of meeting new people far outweigh the time spent driving.”
Philomena Molnar, a frequent passenger added, “Stay at Home in Wilton is such a wonderful organization, and I am so grateful that, when I call for a ride, someone is always there on time and willing to help me.”
Over 25% of the total membership utilizes the organization’s transportation program, and since August, 267 rides have been scheduled through Assisted Rides, with volunteers driving 2,200 miles over a period of 221 hours. Since the program was introduced, Stay at Home in Wilton has added a dozen new volunteer drivers to the program. “But that is not enough,” says Lisa Roman, Stay at Home in Wilton’s Vice President. “We definitely need more drivers as requests increase, especially during the busy holiday season and as more of our members are now back to their regular schedule of doctor’s appointments and social activities as Coronavirus-related restrictions ease.”
For more information on how to become a volunteer driver, or to help support all the important Stay at Home in Wilton programs during their ongoing donor campaign, please visit or call 203-762-2600 for more information. Your generosity helps support a vibrant senior community.