Spanish Translation of “at that time” | Collins English-Spanish Dictionary

the ignition is out of time

the ignition is out of time el encendido está fuera de fase

it’s five times faster than or as fast as yours

it’s five times faster than or as fast as yours es cinco veces más rápido que el tuyo

see also

to get out of time

to get out of time perder el compás

to keep time

to keep time llevar el compás

in time to the music

in time to the music al compás de la música

ninety-nine times out of a hundred

, ninety-nine times out of a hundred

nine times out of ten

▪ idiom: nine times out of ten

at various times in the past

at various times in the past en determinados momentos del pasado

the second time round

the second time round ( = second marriage ) la segunda intentona de matrimonio

many’s the time … no una vez, sino muchas …

for the last time

for the last time por última vez

the last time I did it

the last time I did it la última vez que lo hice

for the first time

for the first time por primera vez

the first time I did it

give me beer every time!

give me beer every time! ¡para mí, siempre cerveza!

it’s the best, every time!

it’s the best, every time! ¡es el mejor, no hay duda!

he won every time

he won every time ganó todas las veces

for weeks at a time

for weeks at a time durante semanas enteras or seguidas

he ran upstairs three at a time

he ran upstairs three at a time subió la escalera de tres en tres escalones

to carry three boxes at a time

time and again

, time and again

I remember the time he came here

I remember the time he came here recuerdo la ocasión en que vino por aquí ⧫ me acuerdo de cuando vino por aquí

see also

to make the big time

have a nice time! ¡que lo pases/paséis etc bien!

we have a lovely time

we have a lovely time lo pasamos la mar de bien ( inf )

we had a high old time

we had a high old time ( informal )

we had a high old time ( informal ) lo hemos pasado en grande ( inf )

she’s out for a good time

she’s out for a good time se propone divertirse

all they want to do is have a good time

all they want to do is have a good time no quieren más que divertirse

to have a good time

to have a bad or rough or thin time (of it)

to have a bad or rough or thin time (of it) pasarlo mal ⧫ pasarlas negras

see also

time was when …

time was when … hubo un tiempo en que …

to move with the times

to move with the times ir con los tiempos ⧫ mantenerse al día

the times we live in

the times we live in los tiempos en que vivimos

to keep abreast of or up with the times

to keep abreast of or up with the times ir con los tiempos ⧫ mantenerse al día

they fell on hard times

they fell on hard times entraron en un periodo de vacas flacas

in times to come

in times to come en tiempos venideros

to be behind the times

to be behind the times [ person ] estar atrasado de noticias ; [ thing, idea ] estar fuera de moda ⧫ haber quedado anticuado

that was all before my time

that was all before my time todo eso fue antes de mis tiempos

to be ahead of one’s time

to be ahead of one’s time adelantarse a su época

one of the greatest footballers of our time

one of the greatest footballers of our time uno de los mejores futbolistas de nuestros tiempos

what times we had!

what times they were!

what times they were! , what times we had! ¡qué tiempos aquellos!

in my time(s)

in my time(s) en mis tiempos

in our own time(s)

in our own time(s) en nuestra época

I wouldn’t give him the time of day

▪ idiom: I wouldn’t give him the time of day

▪ idiom: I wouldn’t give him the time of day a mi él me tiene sin cuidado

to tell the time

to be on time

to be on time [ person ] ser puntual ⧫ llegar puntualmente ; [ train, plane ] llegar puntual

we made good time on the journey

we made good time on the journey el viaje ha sido rápido

what do you make the time?

, what do you make the time?

what time do you make it?

just look at the time!

just look at the time! ¡fíjate qué hora es ya! ⧫ ¡mira qué tarde es!

a watch that keeps good time

a watch that keeps good time un reloj muy exacto

we were just in time to see it

we were just in time to see it llegamos justo a tiempo para verlo

have you got the (right) time?

have you got the (right) time? ¿tiene la hora (exacta)?

to start in good time

to start in good time partir a tiempo ⧫ partir pronto

all in good time

all in good time todo a su (debido) tiempo

he’ll come in his own good time

he’ll come in his own good time vendrá cuando le parezca conveniente

make sure you get there in good time

make sure you get there in good time asegúrate de que llegas allí con tiempo

let me know in good time

it’s time for the news

at this time of day

at this time of day a esta hora

to be 30 minutes behind time

to be 30 minutes behind time llevar 30 minutos de retraso

at any time of the day or night

at any time of the day or night en cualquier momento or a cualquier hora del día o de la noche

to be 30 minutes ahead of time

to be 30 minutes ahead of time llevar 30 minutos de adelanto

to arrive ahead of time

it’s time to go

it’s time to go es hora de irse

the time is 2.30

the time is 2.30 son las dos y media

see also

at this time of the year

at this particular time

at this particular time en este preciso momento

at that time

at that time por entonces ⧫ en aquel entonces ⧫ en aquella época

until such time as he agrees

until such time as he agrees hasta que consienta

( = even so )

at the same time

at the proper time

at the present time

there’s a time and a place for everything

there’s a time and a place for everything todo tiene su momento y su lugar

this is neither the time nor the place to discuss it

at one time

at one time en cierto momento ⧫ en cierta época

from that time on

he calls at some odd times

he calls at some odd times llama a las horas más intempestivas

now is the time to plant roses

now is the time to plant roses esta es la época para plantar las rosas

now is the time to go

this is no time for jokes

this is no time for jokes este no es momento para bromas

at no time did I mention it

at my time of life

at my time of life a mi edad ⧫ con los años que yo tengo

it’s high time you got a job

it’s high time you got a job ya va siendo hora de que consigas un trabajo

her time was drawing near

her time was drawing near ( to give birth ) se acercaba el momento de dar a luz ; ( to die ) estaba llegando al final de su vida

at any given time

at any given time en cualquier momento dado

when the time comes

when the time comes cuando llegue el momento

the time has come to leave

(by) this time next year

(by) this time next year el año que viene por estas fechas

by this time

by the time we got there he’d left

by the time we got there he’d left cuando llegamos allí ya se había ido

by the time he arrived

not before time!

not before time! ¡ya era hora!

to die before one’s time

at all times

any time now

any time now de un momento a otro

it might happen (at) any time

it might happen (at) any time podría ocurrir de un momento a otro or en cualquier momento

come (at) any time (you like)

it’s about time you had a haircut

it’s about time you had a haircut ya es hora de que te cortes el pelo

about time too!

from time to time

I was watching TV at the time

I was watching TV at the time en ese momento estaba viendo la televisión

see also

to be on short time

to be on short time , work short time trabajar en jornadas reducidas

he did it in his own time

he did it in his own time lo hizo en su tiempo libre or fuera de (las) horas de trabajo

on Saturdays they pay time and a half

on Saturdays they pay time and a half los sábados pagan lo normal más la mitad

see also

to do time

▪ idiom: to do time ( informal )

▪ idiom: to do time ( informal ) cumplir una condena

in two weeks’ time

in two weeks’ time en dos semanas ⧫ al cabo de dos semanas

after some time she looked up at me/wrote to me

after some time she looked up at me/wrote to me después de cierto tiempo levantó la vista hacia mí/me escribió ⧫ pasado algún tiempo levantó la vista hacia mí/me escribió

for some time past

in a short time they were all gone

in a short time they were all gone muy pronto habían desaparecido todos

it will last our time

it will last our time durará lo que nosotros

in no time at all

his leg will be in plaster for a long time to come

his leg will be in plaster for a long time to come le queda mucho tiempo por delante de estar con la pierna escayolada

he hasn’t been seen for a long time

he hasn’t been seen for a long time hace mucho tiempo que no se le ve

to take a long time to do sth

to take a long time to do sth tardar mucho en hacer algo

for the time being

have you been here all this time?

have you been here all this time? ¿has estado aquí todo este tiempo?

see also

to be pressed for time

▪ idiom: to be pressed for time

▪ idiom: to be pressed for time andar escaso de tiempo

to play for time

▪ idiom: to play for time

▪ idiom: to play for time tratar de ganar tiempo

to pass the time of day with sb

▪ idiom: to pass the time of day with sb

▪ idiom: to pass the time of day with sb detenerse a charlar un rato con algn

once you retire you’ll have time on your hands

once you retire you’ll have time on your hands cuando te hayas jubilado, tendrás todo el tiempo del mundo

she has too much time on her hands

she has too much time on her hands dispone de demasiado tiempo libre

to have time on one’s hands

(only) time will tell

(only) time will tell el tiempo lo dirá

you certainly took your time!

you certainly took your time! ( humorous ) ¡no es precisamente que te mataras corriendo!

take your time!

take your time! tómate el tiempo que necesites ⧫ ¡no hay prisa!

to take one’s time

to take one’s time hacer las cosas con calma

it took him all his time to find it

it took him all his time to find it solo encontrarlo le ocupó bastante tiempo

it’ll take time to get over the loss of her family

it’ll take time to get over the loss of her family le llevará tiempo superar la pérdida de su familia

to take time

to take time :

time is on our side

time is on our side el tiempo obra a nuestro favor

my time is my own

my time is my own yo dispongo de mi tiempo

he lost no time in doing it

he lost no time in doing it no tardó en hacerlo

there is no time to lose

there is no time to lose no hay tiempo que perder

I’ve no time for sport

I’ve no time for sport odio los deportes

I’ve no time for him

it’s only a matter or question of time before it falls

it’s only a matter or question of time before it falls solo es cuestión de tiempo antes de que caiga

to make up for lost time

to make up for lost time recuperar el tiempo perdido

to make time ( US ) ( informal )

we have plenty of time

we have plenty of time tenemos tiempo de sobra

to have (the) time (to do sth)

I can’t find the time for reading

I can’t find the time for reading no encuentro tiempo para leer

to find (the) time for sth

one of the best of all time

one of the best of all time uno de los mejores de todos los tiempos

for all time

as time goes on or by

as time goes on or by con el (paso del) tiempo ⧫ a medida que pasa/pasaba el tiempo

I timed him doing the washing-up

I timed him doing the washing-up le cronometré mientras lavaba los platos

see also

the decision to sell was badly timed

the decision to sell was badly timed se decidió vender en un mal momento

the strike was carefully timed to cause maximum disruption

the strike was carefully timed to cause maximum disruption se había escogido el momento de la huelga para ocasionar el mayor trastorno posible

the bomb was timed to explode five minutes later

the bomb was timed to explode five minutes later la bomba estaba sincronizada para explotar cinco minutos más tarde

you timed that perfectly

you timed that perfectly elegiste a la perfección el momento para hacerlo

the race is timed for 8.30

the race is timed for 8.30 el comienzo de la carrera está previsto para las 8.30


time and motion study



de tiempos y movimientos

time bomb



de relojería

time capsule



del tiempo

time card



de registro horario

time check






de tiempos

can I have a time check, please?

¿qué hora es ahora, por favor?

time clock






de control de asistencia

time deposit



a plazo

time difference




time exposure






time frame



de tiempo

to set a time frame for sth

poner fecha a algo

time fuse








de tiempo

time lag







lack of synchronization




time limit





de tiempo


closing date





to set a time limit (for sth)

fijar un plazo (para algo)

time loan



a plazo fijo

time lock



de tiempo

time machine



de transporte a través del tiempo

time management



del tiempo

time management consultant






de gestión del tiempo

time management course



de gestión del tiempo

time management skills



de gestión del tiempo

time management training



en gestión del tiempo

time off


free time





to take time off from work

tomarse tiempo libre

you’ll have to take some time off when your wife has her operation

tendrás que tomarte unos días de vacaciones cuando operen a tu mujer

time out



) (

also fig





to take time out (from sth/from doing sth)

descansar (de algo/de hacer algo)

time payment



a plazos

time saver

it is a great time saver

ahorra mucho tiempo

time sheet


time card

time signal




time signature








de compás

time slice



de tiempo

time slot




time span



de tiempo

time switch




time trial






contra reloj



time warp



en el tiempo



del tiempo

time zone


