Some people believe that studying at university/ college is the best route to a successful career, while others believe that it is better to get a job straight after school.
Nội Dung Chính
Some university believe that studying at tertiary education is the best way to get a successful job
. Whereas, other think that it’s good to get a job straight after school. This essay will discuss these views and a free interchange of my idea about this matter.
The option to start a job after school is attractive for these reasons.
First, many people have chance to gain more real experience and the face various challenges so they can know the best way to solve the problem easy
Although they put their weight to earn money soon, they can afford their houses and then they can start a family soon
. Moreover, have a job make you more independent because no one can help you.
On the other hands, studying a university can give students more benefit than others. A lot of best choices can
be chosen
. Some jobs need university qualification , sophiscated academic knowledge. If you want to do this job you must gain in-depth knowledge.
For example, if you want to be a doctor, priority condition that you must have qualification of university, then you must study a lot of knowledge about bodies such as where heart is, where lungs are
Additionally, they can live in high condition, gain high salaries and upgrade your social standing
In additionally, the job market is becoming
competitive, companies usually choose the applicants who graduate university than others
In conclusion, when people face the dilema of these problem, i
recommend you choose study university because this is the best way to gain your access more