Similarities Between Football And Rugby – 975 Words | Cram

Football and Rugby have many similar and different rules to the game. Football has four 15 minute quarters where the clock stops frequently between each

Two of the most popular sports in the world are American Football and Rugby. These are both two very physical sports that have a player running the ball towards the end zone or try line. Football and Rugby are two sports with similar equipment, object of the games, and rules. Both sports are also very different in many ways with field length, playing times and substitutions. American Football is only played in the United States of America whereas Rugby can be played anywhere in the world. Although the games are different they both bring thousands of fans to watch live and on television.Football and Rugby have many similar and different rules to the game. Football has four 15 minute quarters where the clock stops frequently between each

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Football uses helmets and padding on the shoulders, chest, upper legs, and mouth guards to protect the players. Rugby uses head padding and slight padding on the shoulders and collarbones, and a mouth guard. With the more protective equipment, football players are able to tackle. In Rugby, the players are more prone to getting hurt because of the lack of protection. Rugby players are taught how to tackle more safely in the game. Football and Rugby both are sports that use a ball to play. They both use the same shaped ball which is considered a “spheroid”. Rugby uses a thicker, longer, and heavier ball which is about twenty-seven centimeters long, sixty centimeters wide, and weighs about one pound. Football uses a twenty-two centimeter long, fifty-six centimeter wide, and .8 pound the ball. A Rugby field is considerably longer and wider than a football field. A football field is only 100 yards in length and 53 yards in width. Whereas a Rugby field is 109 yards in length and 77 yards in

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In American Football, a touchdown is worth 6-7 points if the team decides to score a PAT which is a point after touchdown to receive one extra point. If the PAT was blocked then the team would only get 6 points. A football team can also get a two point conversion when they run the ball in instead of kicking it in which is worth two points. A football team can also get a field goal which is 3 points where they also kick the ball into the field goal or a safety which is worth 2 points. A safety occurs when the offensive team gets the ball in their own end zone. In Rugby, there are also many different ways to score points. Rugby points are different than football. In Rugby, they call scoring tries. A try is worth 5 points and is the most number of points a team can score at one time. Rugby also has penalty tries which are also worth 5 points. In Rugby players are also able to score a field goal which is worth 3 points and they can score a penalty goal which is also 3 points. Although 5 points are the most points a team can score at one time a team can try to run a converted try. A converted try is considered 5 points for the try and two added points when the goal kicker kicks the ball over the crossbar. A Rugby cross bar is like the football field goal but is more shaped like an