Services and Costs

Description: Amazon CloudFront is a global Content Delivery Network (CDN), which will host your website on a global network of edge servers, helping users load your website more quickly. When requests for your website content come through, they are automatically routed to the nearest edge location, closest to where the request originated from, so your content is delivered to your end user with the best possible performance.

How Pricing Works: Amazon CloudFront pricing is based on the three things: the amount of data you transfer to your end users, the number of user requests (for both http and https content), and the CloudFront locations you use (which will depend on the global diversity of your users).

Example: Let’s say your website uses CloudFront for a month (30 days), and the site has 1,000 visitors each day for that month. Each visitor clicked 1 page that returned a single object (1 request) and they did this once each day for 30 days. Turns out each request is 1MB for the amount of data transferred, so in total for the month that comes to 30,000MB or 29GB (1GB = 1,024MB). Half the requests are from the US and half are from Europe, so your monthly total for data transferred comes to $2.47. Also, each click is an HTTP request, so for the month that equals 30,000 HTTP requests, which comes to a total of $0.02 for the month. Adding the two values together, the total cost for using CloudFront for this example would be $2.49 for the month.

If you created your account in the past 12 months, you are eligible for the AWS Free Tier. With AWS Free Tier, the first 50GB of data transferred out and the first 2,000,000 HTTP/HTTPS requests are free so for this example, your bill for the month would be reduced to $0.00.