Requires SQL Server 2012 Express LocalDB

I have one problem that’s causing more problems.

Let me explain what’s going on:

For the past week, wanted to learn ASP.NET MVC and develop an app.

To get my machine ready, installed:

Visual Studio Enterprise 2017 32/64-bit (Multilanguage)

SQL Server 2016 Enterprise With Service Pack 1 64-bit (English)

So, after that, I thought to be good to go.

This is the app I’m using to do the learning: APP.

Then, once I open in Visual Studio, this is what happens first:

enter image description here

Didn’t really understand this message. but my thought remained: how can I open using SQL Server 2016?

This “problem” quickly vanished with:

Ok, let’s still try to do a build and see what goes on:

enter image description here

Cool, I’m able to see the app.

Well, now that I’m in a “lucky day”, let’s test to register:

enter image description here

This last error has to do with the protocols selected for the server.

It has to do with MS SQL Server configuration. Which means, I may need to install additional ODBC drivers for MS SQL.

How can I fix this and be able to register?

Note: If there’s any info you might find important in order to understand how to help me with this problem, let me know. This because I’m a noob in the field, just getting started.

Here is the course I’ve been following.