Reddit – Dive into anything

I have been friends with this girl (we are both 21F) for like a few years now and this year our friendship has gotten pretty close. I am starting to notice that she copies a lot of what I do. For example, she mimics my actions and repeats or just agrees with everything I do and say. She copies a lot of my spotify playlists and will make the same exact playlist with a similar name and cover photo on her own account. She will go out and buy the same clothes that I own after seeing me wear them. And she also mimics what i eat and what i purchase at the grocery.

If I am being honest this behavior makes me pretty uncomfortable. But I discussed it with my sister and she said it was not that big of a deal. I do pride myself on being an individual so it could just be that but… Is this behavior normal? If so, is there a certain point to where its not normal?

Growing up I was a tomboy and was mostly friends with guys so I have no clue how female friendships work. I would really appreciate some insight