Real Estate Express Reviews And Ratings – One of Our Rated Top Schools

There are over 50,000 Real Estate Express reviews online, supporting their claim as the top real estate school. 350,000 real estate professionals started their careers with Real Estate Express schools, but are they the best choice for you?

If you are interested in getting your real estate license you’ll have to start with a training course that meets your state’s minimum required hours. You can take this training course in a traditional classroom, or a certified online school. There are benefits to both. A classroom course will have an experienced professional available, but you’re at the mercy of the scheduled class times. This can be challenging if you already have a job, children, or other responsibilities. An online real estate school allows you to learn at your own pace, but help may not be immediately available.

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Real Estate Express Reviews

Real Estate Express User Rating Average

A good first step to decide if Real Estate Express is right for you is whether or not it was right for other people. There are plenty of online reviews to read from people who took the course.

While the Real Estate Express reviews have a very good overall rating, it’s not enough to only read the positive reviews. A recurring complaint was a lack of customer service and sections of the license exam incomplete or missing. Should this prevent you from signing up for the Real Estate Exam? Absolutely not, but it’s important to see possible shortcomings in the service and materials so you 100% know what to expect.

Real Estate Express Online Reviews

Real Estate Express stars 4.4

4.4/5 Real Estate Express Average Rating
768 Total Reviews

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Real Estate Express Course Preview

Understanding The Quality of Online Real Estate License Programs

It’s worth discussing the state of all online real estate courses and training before we get into the details about Real Estate Express. Almost all courses need improvement and some are very poorly organized. A consistent problem a potential student faces is that is that many courses are simply not up to date. License exams are updated each year and real estate training courses need to do a better a job of staying up to date.

There are some courses that just aren’t user-friendly. In a time where so many educational resources offer rich content and interactive videos that are engaging, many real estate courses fall short. Many real estate training sites deliver material that isn’t just uninspiring, it’s boring and tedious.

Pages and pages of text-only content about real estate regulations, taxes, finances, and laws. Follow this up with a multiple choice quizzes and you start to see how this would get old for 100+ hours that many states require.

It’s worth noting that Real Estate Express is one of the more advanced real estate training programs and does offer video. The main point to keep in mind while shopping for a real estate course is to compare formats and make sure the training information is delivered in a manner you’re comfortable with.

It’s important that your expectations are realistic and a training course is not a guarantee of passing the state exam. At the end of the day the work you’re willing to put into will ultimately determine your success.

Is Real Estate Express Right For You?

Since you’re reading this it’s safe to say you’re doing your research, forming your expectations, and are interested in learning more about important features of the courses offered by Real Estate Express.

The following seven features outline what you can expect from your Real Estate Express account. They should also be taken into account if you’re considering other training courses.

Availability In Your State

The very first thing you need to determine is whether or not the course is offered in your state. Real Estate Express is certified in 32 states, so there’s a possibility that the license training isn’t even available where you live. Be 100% sure that your state officially recognizes the training courses you want.

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Affordable Price

It’s important to invest in your future, but you don’t want to overpay. Compared to other online real estate courses Real Estate Express is very competitive with their pricing, starting from under $100 for a basic course to almost $400 for full featured programs.

78% Average Exam Pass Rate

The pass rate for the license exam is probably the most important stat you need to know. It doesn’t matter how little a training course costs. If you don’t pass the exam it isn’t money well-spent. Real Estate Express currently has the highest passing rate of any online school. I don’t think I need to stress how important this is.

Instructor Assistance

Are you the type of person who frequently has questions or need things clarified?

Real Estate Express allows you to contact course instructors by email, but more importantly they are also available by phone. Most online real estate courses only offer email support and Q and A. If you need help beyond that it will probably cost you extra.

Video Training Included

Currently Real Estate Express only offers text only courses. They do have weekly training sessions that are live, but there’s no way watch them later or view archived sessions. They are mostly Q and A from students and may not be relevant to the course you’re taking in your state.

Cross-Device Compatibility

Real Estate Express does work on mobile and tablets. Although it could use some improvement, it’s better than nothing if you’re on the go and want to keep up with your studying.

In the current state of “mobile first” technology you would expect that every online real estate training course would work on a smartphone or a tablet. Unfortunately this is not the case, as many providers have outdated technology that only works on desktop and laptop computers.

Real Estate Express Pass Guarantee

If you’re going to choose one online real estate school over another, it should be with one that stands by it’s product and guarantees its success. Real Estate Express has a pass or don’t pay guarantee on all their courses except for The Basics level.

For many people shopping online for courses this can be the final factor in their decision. The only other school that offers a money-back guarantee is Aceable Agent, but as of now they only have certified courses in Texas and New York.

Real Estate Express Pricing Plans

Pricing information can change at any time due to rate increases, discounts and specials. For the most part Real Estate Express has course packages with fairly straightforward costs. Price ranges in most states start around $90 and go up almost $400 depending on the level of features and service you need.

Real Estate Express is also the only school to currently offer financing payment plans and tuition assistance. If you have a tight budget this might be the best choice for you.

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What Is The Best Plan For You?

All of the exam packages will fulfill the training requirements to take the license exam in your state, but you might want to consider upgrading to the Exam Preparation Plus. This is the cheapest package that will give you access to a live instructor as well their Exam Cram Video. The following months you spend learning real estate will not be easy, access to professional help will be useful.

If you’re old fashioned and learn better from a textbook it might be worth your time to invest the Ultimate Learning plan.

Real Estate Express CA PricesExample of course pricing in California. Prices vary by state.

How To Sign Up For Real Estate Express

You’ve done your research, compared schools and prices, now you’re ready to sign up. What can you expect now? The signup process is surprisingly easy, not very different from creating any other kind of online account. The entire process will take a couple of minutes. There aren’t any papers to sign, legal forms or contracts that are mailed. Simply enter your contact info, agree the site’s terms and agreement. Once you submit payment you’re done.

It won’t take long until you receive an email from a real estate instructor that is assigned to your course. They’ll outline what to expect, how to contact them and what you should expect for response time. You’ll be able to log into your account and immediately access the course materials.

What To Expect From Real Estate Express

If you’re still reading this there shouldn’t be any surprises and you should know what you can expect. The course is pretty straight-forward and there should be no confusion where to start, chapter 1. You’ll have to complete each chapter before the next section is “unlocked”.

Each chapter is presented in short blocks of text on each page. There is a timer that will help you pace yourself and also prompt an alert if you don’t take any action for too long. Each section ends with a 10 question quiz. You’ll need to score at least an 80% before moving onto the next chapter.

There is no magic formula for learning and passing each prep section. It comes down to simply memorizing the material which consists of real estate regulations, laws, terms, statutes and important financial information.

Areas That Need Improvement

There is no “perfect course” right now. Real Estate Express is one of the best but it does have room for improvement. Two of the areas that consistently get mentioned in online reviews that need to get better are live training and the student forum section.

Live Training

A big plus to using Real Estate Express is access to live weekly training sessions. The only problem is that they’re scheduled the same day every week at the same time with no flexibility to watch them later because they aren’t recorded. If you have a job, or prior engagement so you can’t attend, oops! Guess you’ll just miss this week. The “live training” is also more like a question and answer session so much of it may not be relevant or helpful to you. This shouldn’t be a deal breaker for you, but it is something that can be improved.

Lack Of Activity On The Student Forum

Forums can be useful tools for users of any site, not just real estate education. Users can ask and answer questions, find advice for a particularly difficult section, or just find support among experts and peers. However, forums only work if people actually participate. It seems as though the forums on Real Estate Express are gathering some dust. A few questions are asked each month and some go weeks or even months without being answered. It’s definitely an area that can be improved.

Is Real Estate Express The Best Choice For You?

You should be pretty familiar with all the features and services that are available in Real Estate Express. When deciding whether or not this is the right direction for you to start your real estate career you have to be honest with yourself. Can you learn independently and stay disciplined if there is no set class schedule? Yes, there are instructors available, but you will have to learn ninety percent of the material on your own. Once the excitement of starting a new career wears off can you stick with the course after forty hours? How about a hundred hours? For 100,000’s of real estate professionals, Real Estate Express was the right choice for them. You’re the only person who can decide if this is right for you, sometimes you never know until you try.

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5 Star Real Estate Express Reviews From Users

The following reviews were collected from real users who successfully completed a Real Estate Express Course and submitted a 5 star rating of their experience.

stars 5.0

The course was extremely well developed and easy to navigate. Real Estate Express offers an effective learning program that helps you to not only learn what is needed, but retain the information for your exams. I highly recommend if you want to pass the first time!


stars 5.0

The Exam Prep Master was an excellent choice as it helped me pass the state exam on the first attempt. I went through the 4-hour state exam within one hour and 45 minutes. The prep was very close in the type of questions that were in the licensing exam. I would recommend the Prep Master again.


stars 5.0

The Exam Prep Master was my favorite tool. I know I passed my exam the first time because of that alone! I love the wealth of practice questions given. It made me feel certain that I could pass. I was not nervous during my test because of this tool!


stars 5.0

I passed the Michigan Salesperson Exam on the first try — I felt very well prepared to take and pass the test — no anxiety as I had used the review materials and completed the reading and quizzes.


stars 5.0

Customer Service was great when I needed to extend my course timeline. They quickly got me back up and running to continue and complete the course.


stars 5.0

I own a small business and I am married with two active children, so my time is very limited. I enjoy the flexibility and the ability to work at my own pace, on my time, at my convenience.


stars 5.0

A great online site to use and very helpful with the terms and knowledge needed to pass your test. It’s a lot to get through, but Real Estate Express really set up a good structure to help pass your test!


stars 5.0

I passed the Michigan Salesperson Exam on the first try — I felt very well prepared to take and pass the test — no anxiety as I had used the review materials and completed the reading and quizzes.


stars 5.0

Customer Service was great when I needed to extend my course timeline. They quickly got me back up and running to continue and complete the course.


stars 5.0

The Exam Prep Master was my favorite tool. I know I passed my exam the first time because of that alone! I love the wealth of practice questions given. It made me feel certain that I could pass. I was not nervous during my test because of this tool!


stars 5.0

I feel the material was presented in an organized manner and easy to learn independently.

Sarah C., Florida

stars 5.0

I liked the convenience of doing it online. The cost is very reasonable. Harder to pass than the state test.

Ed K., Michigan

stars 5.0

It’s very user friendly and the answers are always provided just in case you cant figure it out.

Crystal H., Texas

stars 5.0

I am still taking the pre-licensing courses on the website. So far, I have found the courses to be up-to-date with the information, and they are easy to navigate and understand. I also like the manner in which each unit exam/quiz is set up.

Clydette H., Texas

stars 5.0

The Exam Prep Master was great! I went through the material a number of times until I “mastered” it, and I not only passed the test on the first try, I was the first one to finish the exam.

Niki K., California

stars 5.0

The course was easy to navigate

Brittney B., Texas

stars 5.0

Very thorough. I entered the state exam with a lot of confidence, and after reviewing material, re-taking the quizzes and completing the course exam, I was left with a strong knowledge base with which to pass the exam to get my license!

Breanna H., New York

stars 5.0

I did not need to call or contact your customer service department. The online course was totally understandable and straightforward.

Christine J., Michigan

stars 5.0

I took Exam Prep Master and it definitely helped.

AJ B, Florida

stars 5.0

I only called Customer Service a couple of times. Everyone I spoke with was nice and helpful. They were very informative and always fully answered my questions.

Sheila B., Alabama

stars 5.0

I like the course format and ease of use.

Francisco A., Texas

stars 5.0

I’m still working with the online program. So far it’s gone well, and I’ve progressed nicely. The interface is straightforward and easy to use and follow. I’ve used customer service a couple times and have always gotten a quick, helpful response.

Robert A., Colorado

stars 5.0

It was a simple format to follow, and I was able to complete the course around my work schedule.

Chentella G., Florida

stars 5.0

It was easy to access and to go at my own pace. Lots of prep materials too.

Torie F., Washington

stars 5.0

I like the convenience and ease of working from anywhere I have a laptop and Internet connection.

Hope F., Pennsylvania

stars 5.0

Good experience with Customer Service, no issues.

Matt D., Michigan

stars 5.0

The course work was very thorough and taught me more than enough to easily pass the state exam on my first try! I loved being able to work at my own pace.

Molly L., Texas

stars 5.0

Very good ease of use and good access, too.

James H., Georgia

stars 5.0

I really like being able to log on at any time, day or night, to work on completing the course

Connie H., Texas

stars 5.0

The Exam Prep Master was an excellent choice as it helped me pass the state exam on the first attempt. I went through the 4-hour state exam within one hour and 45 minutes. The prep was very close in the type of questions that were in the licensing exam. I would recommend the Prep Master again.

Stephen C., Texas

stars 5.0

I am still taking the pre-licensing courses on the website. So far, I have found the courses to be up-to-date with the information, and they are easy to navigate and understand. I also like the manner in which each unit exam/quiz is set up.

Clydette H., Texas

stars 5.0

This system is very easy to comprehend and work through. I like that it focuses on the most important elements you need to remember!

Paul A., Missouri

stars 5.0

I appreciated the ability to complete the course on my own schedule and at my own pace.

Joe F., Kansas

stars 5.0

I like that the course was very user friendly. Able to learn at your own pace. Ease of use. Chapter summaries and practice exams were very helpful.

Isaac C., Florida

stars 5.0

The course was everything I needed to become a real estate agent.

Brandie H., Kansas

stars 5.0

Your customer service team member was personable and a joy to speak and work with. She understood my CE needs and was quickly and efficiently able to help me enroll and obtain my sign-on information. She made it very easy to do business with McKissock. I am not surprised by this however, as over the past 5 years I have always chosen McKissock for ALL my CE courses. Very well done!

Injeel H., California

stars 5.0

The website was very easy to navigate. I loved being able to go at my own pace, which allowed me to complete the courses faster then sitting in a classroom.

Brandon H., Pennsylvania

stars 5.0

The outline is easy to follow and I’m looking forward to new real estate ventures.

Anthony A., Florida

stars 5.0

They were great. Very helpful and friendly.

Dona B., Texas

stars 5.0

Becoming a real estate agent has been one of my goals for many years! The course is very easy to navigate and is very easy to understand. I can’t wait until I finish and get my license!

Chelsea K., Pennsylvania

stars 5.0

Your customer service is wonderful! They resolved my problem quickly and were pleasant to work with.

Kelly B., Arizona

stars 5.0

I like that I can do it on my own time and it was inexpensive.

Phillip B., Colorado

stars 5.0

The course itself was very good. However, the absolute best part (for me) was the Exam Prep Master program. By taking so many tests, you quickly realize what you don’t know. By taking all the prep master tests after completing the pre-licensing course, I was able to pass the Florida Real Estate test on the first try, with very little stress. I personally think anyone that is buying the pre-licensing course should also buy the prep master, as I cannot imagine a better way to pass the state exam on the first try.

Lenny F., Florida

stars 5.0

I enjoyed the easy explanations of the concepts.

Tim G., Florida

stars 5.0

The overall online program was easy to use and accelerated my learning experience and retention to be able to pass the state licensing exam.

Stephen C., Texas

stars 5.0

I liked that I could take the classes at my own pace and the material was very informative.

Tarah F., Texas

stars 5.0

The online pre-license course was presented in a way I could quickly and easily understand. I’ve had a lifelong aversion to math, but Real Estate Express made math fun for me! I wish I had this math instruction while I was in high school.

Paula C., New York

stars 5.0

Amazingly helpful always!

Nicole A., Georgia

stars 5.0

The customer service department was very helpful and polite.

Heather B., New York

stars 5.0

Love the fact that I can go at my own pace.

Kelly B., Arizona