Phrasal Verbs with LOOK and their meanings

look after

Meaning: to be responsible for someone/something, to take care of someone/something

Mum was looking after me when I was sick.

Don’t worry, I’ll look after the grocery shopping this week.

look up

Meaning: to get better (about a situation)

Things are starting to look up, I can see a light at the end of the tunnel.

2. to look for something (an address, etc) in a book, list, or on the internet

I looked up this problem on the Internet and I didn’t find anything.

look something up

Meaning: to search for information about something

I don’t know what this word means, I’ll look it up in the dictionary.

look in

Meaning: to make a very short visit

I’ll look in tomorrow on the way home.

look into

Meaning: to investigate something

I’ll look into this issue, and I’ll give you an update tomorrow.